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I hardly slept, the espisode Precious pulled yesterday was beyond craziness. She saw things that made her act crazy. But I vowed to stay by her side through thick and thin.

I left her comfortably sleeping and I had to prepare for Gerald Jnr which was a struggle. I'm used to her doing things around. I'm wearing different colour socks, my shirt is a bit stained by coffee. Who wouldn't spill coffee on their clothes when they are this stressed.

I'm looking at the figures and they are a total discouragement. Where do I even start fixing this mess?  Where do I even begin to seek for help? A knock came through. I don't need any distraction at this moment.

"Come in," I shout. I'm not in a mood to see anyone. And it's becomes worse cause I'm not a people's person.

"Good morning sir," Emily greets me while sitting down crossing her legs and her skirt rolled up a bit revealing her boney thighs. What a turn off.

"How can I help you Emily?"

"Mr Myeza has requested a meeting with you." She hands me the papers and I take a quick glance at them.

"The meeting is in three months." I look at the paper and frown. I push the paper's aside, atleast I have three months to put my shit together. Mr Myeza is the only client I have left with that still brings in money. For how long will he keep up in this sinking ship? What if his requesting a meeting to cut ties?

"He did state his overseas, so his giving you enough time to come up with a solid plan." Emily.

"Get back to him and inform him that the meeting will take place when he gets back." I tell her, she nodds her head in agreement standing up dusting off non existing dust from her skimpy skirt. If she's trying to seduce me it will not work with me. I'm turned on by meat not bones.


I'm debating with myself whether to go inside the building or not. I'm not allowed to be seen alone in public, therefore I still have Themba around. What I know is if I don't bring him breakfast he will not eat until noon. I've noticed that if his stressed he doesn't touch food but I force him to eat.

I finally have the courage to step out of the car carefully not to trip and fall. If I drop this food it will be the last of me on this earth of planet. I take a deep breath making my way in.

Some worker's were happy to see me and some were just throwing ugly daggers. Nokwanda still works here and she's enjoying every bit of it.

I walk straight to his office finding him looking like a mess. He looks like he never slept a winks and I'm to blame for that. I sometimes let my craziness control me. But how was I suppose to react after what I saw? How do I even a approach him about this? 'hey Hendry your brother stole me in my sleep and took me to his grave yard'.

"Hey," I greeted him and he looks at me suprised. "I brought breakfast and lunch."

"Thank you, I was about to order something." He starts digging in and damn he is so hungry, I watch him eat admiring his white face.
"What," he asks with his mouth full of food.

"Can't I admire my own khaladi, awu MaHerry Herry my husband madoda." I see him blush."am I dreaming or what thee whole Hendry Lucas is blushing. Hehehe God's of our land please continue to shine on me."

"Waphapha," he teases me.

"Hehehe Jehovah is your niece teaching my husband to girish my language?"

"Going somewhere?" He changes the topic, the way she's so sexy it doesn't sit well with him.

"Yea, to submit my assignment than go home to watch movies as usual." I answer him, dipping in his lunch box, such greediness I have.

"Hmmmmmm," he don't know whether to be releaved or what.

"So how's the business going?" I asks him with mouth stuffed with food.

"It's bad and I've ran out of options. Mr Myeza has requesting a meeting with me and honestly I don't know what I will say to him. Most employees are resigning. Everything is just a mess."

"Don't worry we will come up with a plan. We will fight these demons even though ghosts are following me around all the time. Entlek tell me something why is your brother still in South Africa? Isin't he suppose to be in Jupiter? Precious is traumatizing  at times, he was saved by a knock on the door. He won't to answer her imaginary questions, if that's what it's called.

"Come in," I shout first before Hendry take action, I want to be miss action too. He can't take the credit alone. The door slowly opens and I don't turn to look.

"Good morning sir, I bought what you requested." The man says as he hands Hendry a disc. Someone on the inside has been stealing money but he just wants to confirm his suspicions.

"I believe you haven't met my wife." Hendry says.
I turn to look at the man my husband is introducing me to and I got the shock of my life. I never thought that one day I will cross paths with him.

"No, no, no it can't be." The gentleman says in a shivery voice. We watched him as he sprang out of the office without looking back.

"Ahhhh my dear ex." She laughs, she finds this amusing.

"The one that left you for your friend?" She shakes her head in agreement smilling, what a small world!


I let my legs take me as fast as they could. This can't be happening not my Precious. How? When? I'm finding it hard to believe this. So all this while the Mrs Lucas that they were talking about is my Precious who also turns out to be my bosses wife.
I stand in the middle of the road trying to catch my breath and a honk brings me back to life.

"Shit," I curse, trying to brake free from the busy streets of Durban. My legs are stuck and the bus kept coming closer and closer. A Stinging sensation forcefully threw me across the road landing painfully on the ground. I didn't know being knocked down by a bus can turn you into a superman. I'm hearing voices fading away and I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open.

"Help," I try to scream but my voice failed me. I'd rather die than seeing a woman I love being loved and married by another man.


I woke up with alot of machines connected to my body. I try to sit up but my body is aching. Why am I feeling so much pain? What am I even doing here? I see my mother rushing towards me and sobbs right infront of my eyes.

"How did I get here?" I ask her cause I want to know. All I remember I was at work.

"You don't remember anything?" My mother asks, and I shake my head no. I'm trying so hard to remember but my mind is blank. "Let me go call the doctor for you." She rushes out, minutes later she came back with a beautiful woman which I assume was a doctor.

"Your awake," she says checking the machines and my heart beat. "No broken bones, no brain damage, just a dislocated shoulder and a few bruises which will heal in no time." She jots down whatever she's saying.

"Who brought me here? I want to know and I have a feeling they are hiding something from me.

"You were knocked down by a bus." The doctor answers me.

"Can I have water?" I have a huge dry lump stuck in my throat making it hard for me to swallow.
I look at the glass and I gulp down the water without taking a brake. I close my eyes and the events come back flooding in nstunami. No I refuse to believe that my Precious is married.
My chest is burning and I'm loosing control in my breathing exercises.

"Are you okay?" The doctor asks and I shake my head no. I can't utter any word at this point. Everything is blurry making it hard for me to see.

"Precious," I call out for her name in a whisper. My body is burning up and I start to shake vigorously making the machines to beep like crazy

"Please help my son,' those were the last words I heard from my mother's pained voice.

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