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I can definitely relate that it's good being married. I'm still finding it hard to believe that I'm someones husband even though I went about it the wrong way. I wish to have a seed of my own, don't get me wrong Gerald Jnr is the best son a father could ever ask for, but than again he is my brothers son, my brothers seed. When he grows up he will get to know that I'm not his biological father but his uncle and that alone tears me up whenever I think about it.

I look at madam speaker who is snoring next to me. I don't want to rush her into anything, I want to get to know her more, I want her to finish her studies without me being a pain Husband. I just want her to enjoy our marriage before taking any further steps.

My construction is loosing clients everyday, I'm just glad that the restaurant is not linked to this and to say it's under my wife's name so it safe. Somehow I have faith in her and she's a woman you can rely on. With all the shit that's happening it's putting alot of strain on me. I'm lost and have ran out of ideas, my mind is beyond blank.

"What are you thinking about so early in the morning." She awake, she's one hell of an early bird. I'm just grateful she doesn't attend her classes on a daily basis. I wouldn't feel comfortable knowing there are some vultures eyeing my wife out there.

"Business, I'm loosing clients. This week 3 of my contractors pulled out. The more they pull out the more I loose money." I respond, at this point my mind is blank, I have no ideas, to make matters worse Miss Grootboom resigned and is now working for my enemy. Most people have turned their backs on me but I will never stop fighting.

"Have any plans or suggestions?" She asks, we never spoke about my businesses cause she never shown interest.

"No I'm lost, I feel like a total failure. The restaurant is doing pretty good while HL is sinking."

"Don't worry we will come up with something." She tells me, if I don't fight this I will loss everything under my name that I've worked hard for. If I loose my wife gaines half 50% of everything meaning everything will be transferred to her. And I know she will stick by me no matter what the circumstances are.


The bathroom floor is wet, dirty panty liners are lingering everywhere. I don't understand this girl, does she have a maid? Who will clean after her mess? What kind of a woman who doesn't respect their undergarments. This filth is disgusting.

"Sawzi!" I shout for her name and she decides to ignore me.
"Swazi Maan!.

"What's with the noise," she asks, the only thing she knows is to look pretty for nothing.

"Have you got no shame? Who would clean after your mess? Don't you know that you suppose to clean after yourself, wipe the floor and clean the bathroom? Is that too much for you? What is the meaning of all this?"

"What, ow these." She points out the penty liners disposed on the floor." Your mother always clean after my mess, not even once I heard her complain." Swazi, Is she being serious right now? My own mother being her maid?

"You are a disgrace to womanhood . You know Precious was the neastest freak I've ever come across. The bathroom always smelled fresh, not to talk about the whole house it was always spotless. Whenever she was around my mother would sit and  do nothing, she was treated like a queen that she is. Tell me does your mother clean after your bloody pads? Last week you left your underware on the kitchen sink. What kind of a woman are you? I sometimes wonder what did I see in you."

"Stop being dramatic, and don't compare me with that freak of yours. We all knew that Precious has a loose screw in her head. She was doing all that to gain some points to be the perfect fake daughter in-law. What use did she bring because in that neatness of hers, you left he for me remember." She snorts.

"And that was the biggest mistake of my life. A regret I will always regret. That woman you hate so much knew how to stand her ground and doesn't tolerate nonsense. As for you, you have pride that you took me away from her. I pity you cause not even once I ever loved you. I think it's now time to go our separate ways cause wow I won't stand this." I tell her.

"Over my dead body, I know that your still confused. I know cause it's written all over your face when you look at me. Don't forget that you and me share a special bond and I won't let you slip right through my fingers just like that. You are mine and mine alone!" With that said she stormed out of the room leaving me Mlungisi lost for words.
How will I ever get rid of this bimbo. We intend to do things without thinking and later regret them. We make mistakes and my biggest mistake was to go for a woman like Swazi. My biggest mistake was letting go of Precious for what exactly……. for a useless woman who can't even wash a spoon, who can't cook or do laundry. She's good at painting her face and drinking expensive wines. I regret the decision I made and I will forever regret it. Life is showing me unexpected flames.


"Awu ma 10K," that's how they make fun of Patience. She now hardly leaves her room cause the humiliation is too much. For the first time in life she is being belittled by her own cousin's. The very same cousins who used to worship the ground she works on has turned her into a laughing stock. She was their favourite daughter but now everything has changed within the blink of an eyes. Even her own father doesn't notice her anymore. That attention she used to get is no longer there. Whenever the uncles open their mouths all they spit is Precious this Precious that as if they were there for her, as if they cared for her, as if they love her.

"Mama this is too much, my life has been turned upside down." Patience cries to her mother.

"It's okay baby you are studying to become a doctor, show them what you are made of. One day they will remember you not that two minute fame of a daughter.." her mother says. But deep down she was hurting, this is her only daughter and she tries by all means to make her happy.

"Now everyone in this family hates me as if I did something wrong. They are even disguisted by precence." Indeed the table has turned.

"All is well, all will be well trust me. This will blow over in no time." Mother says trying to comfort her daughter.

The three rebalious cousin's are having so much fun in exchanging words with Patience and her mother. They hate her on how she use to treat them. What happened yesterday showed them that money is not everything. She always rubbed it in their faces that she's always rich and studying to becoming a doctor while they are busy chasing after men. What happened yesterday showed them that life doesn't revolve around them.

There is a lot of commotion in the dinning room of people arguing.

"The money cannot just disappear like that, it was right here! We all left the money here!" One of the uncles say in anger.

"Who would have stole the whole briefcase worth that money." The jealous uncle ask, yes he is a jealous type but he wanted so bad to put that money into good use.

"Let's search every room, turn this whole place upside down if we have to." One of the aunts add.

"My daughter's dowery can't disappear just like that without even a trace. That money belongs to me her father." Ngwane shoots in anger.

"Hehe your daughter! The same daughter that you neglected when she needed you the most. They same daughter that you didn't even welcome to your house. You are useless I'm happy she saw you for who you are. We all know that Princess Patience is your beloved daughter, the only daughter you've ever showed your love to, and the only daughter that brought nothing but curse in our lives. Don't make me mad cause trust me you won't like the other side of me. Today you remember that Preshasi is your daughter, do you even Fatima? Sies you disguist me. Who ever stole that money did good cause you do not deserve even 2bhobho. You want to spend you daughters dowery with that trash. You are nothing but a spineless man's who cannot take of his own……….." A gun shot was fired making everyone scream. Within split seconds Zondiwe was laying helplessly on the floor not breathing. Ngwane looked at his trembling hands and noticed what he has done. He didn't mean to pull the trigger, he lost control of his temper.

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