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Swazi reslly looks horrible with this pregnancy. I didn't know that pregnant women look this disfigured. Her baby bump made her look like she comes from the streets, even money is not scrubbing her ugliness away. She has those big scary pimples and her feet are always swollen. I can't deal with this anymore, she's always nagging and it's annoying me. I wonder what would have Precious looked like with all the craziness she carries around her. I wonder how is she. Has she moved on? I believe she's still very much single mopping over our relationship.

After finding out that Swazi might be carrying twins, a part of me is happy and another part of me is….. i don't know. I won't cope with two babies, i know kids are a blessing but this is too much. My life is still a stiphill itself. We are still waiting for the results of confirmation.

"I'm hoping for a boy and a girl" Swazi gloats in excitement. She's the one happy and I'm just not finding it exciting. I somehow don't feel the connection with the baby.

"The doctors are not even sure if you're carrying twins or not. We are still waiting for the results to come back and ckarify everything. So don't get your hopes up." I'm just tired of having this same conversation over and over again. It's like her mind doesn't work anymore.

"Do you believe in God?" Is she reall going to ask me about God. I think i know where this conversation is going.

"No," i answer her, i just want this conversation to be over.

"You should, God answers all prayers." If that's the case than God should answer my prayers by making her to shut up.
"I'm hungry" that's what she knows, i watch her as she draggs her swollen feet to the kitchen. I thought i would be happy, i thought i would be inlove, i though my prayers have been answered. I should be rejoicing that I'm about to be someone's father but I'm not excited at all. Swazi doesn't give me the happiness i imagined.


I look at my son sleeping on this huge king size bed. His so tiny and looks so much like my brother. I'm exhausted, i want to sleel but when everytime i close my eyes i see blood, i could hear those gunshots, i could see my brother's lifeless body. Those twenty-five bullets bought so much pain in my life.

I look at the clock and it's 23:00 on the dot. I don't want to do this but i have no choice than to follow what my heart wants. I pick Gerald Jnr up and placed him gently on my shoulders heading straight to the garage.

Who drives in the middle of the night with a baby in the car just because they can't sleep. I just wanted to go out and see her, maybe it will bring peace.
I look at my surroundings and i notice that I'm parked i front of a shack. I sighed getting out of the car with Gerald, i noticed that his having one of those heartbreaking episodes. He usually cries in his sleep for almost thirty minutes. It breaks my heart  listerning to his cries, pleading for him to stop, it hurts.
I knock on the door more like banging it and her mother opens.

"Is Precious in?" I don't mean to be rude but I'm a lost torn soul that needs guidance. My son is having a seizure.

"Come in" she notices that all is no well at all. She moves aside and allows me to get in.

"Mum i….." Precious stops on her tracks when she sees Gerald shaking. "Ow my God, sir what happend? Is he oky?" That's the first thing she notices and i admire for that.

"No" you know when they say men don't cry but right now i feel like letting it all out. I'm a broken man and my son is broken.

"It's oky to cry sir, don't bottle your feelings up. We are all humans, we all get hurt and we all feel the pain. I don't know what you going through but i promise you, you will never face your problems alone. One day the light shall shine upon you." She takes Gerald Jnr from my arms and made him lay on her matress on his side and she rubbed him on his back until he was calm.

"I need help Precious, please help me." I'm trying so hard not to cry infront of a woman and I'm totally failing.

"In order for me to help you, you do realise that you will have to open up to me and share that sensitive information?" She tells me and i nodd my head.

"Can i take you to my place? He feels safer around you, please." I don't know where i got the courage to say that.

"Ermmm……," she's not sure i can tell by the look on her face. She turns to look at her mother for approval.

"You can go sisi, make sure that the baby is safe" her mother answered her.

"Oky let me pack my overnight bag."

Driving back to the house, i felt a bit lighter, it was peaceful. For a moment my life had a sense of meaning. What lead me to drive to her house in the first place?"

"Your house is immaculate" she tells me as her eye's were scanning around.

"You didn't trip and fall?" That's the first and funny enough i noticed it.

"Aysuka, let's get inside the house. I'll be sharing the room with G." I agree with her but i know that will never happen while I'm still alive.

"This is your room" i showed her my master bedroom.

"Wow this is heaven i tell you. I could live her forever, imagine having my picture on that side of the wall. Silly of me i know." She snorts.

"Hmmmm" I'm speechless.
She threw herself on the bed, snuggled herself next to Gerald and i hear her slightly snore.
"Wow that was quick" i say to myself, i look at them sleeping. How does this woman manages to put a smile on my face? How does this clumsy Jackie Chan manages to soften my heart? I took out my phone and steal a few pictures of them. My phone has never had a picture of a woman before, guess there's always the first time for everything. My body is weak and tired, i took my clothes off and I'm left in my briefs. I dipp my body in the bed and it feels so warm, it has always been cold. I want to hold her so bad, my body wants her body to be one. I ended up pushing my body close to hers. I felt my body getting weaker and weaker as sleepiness took over.

For the last past two years i havent had a peaceful sleep. It's 10:00am and i was suppose to be at work hours ago. Just as i was enjoying the moment of peace and silence Jackie Chan woke up from the bed in 360 full speed.

"Jesus Christ! What am i doing her? Ow Jehova you kidnapped me! Are we dead? Nkosi Jesu I'm in heaven.Jesus! Jesus come save me, im funeraled" is she still sleeping cause she sounds crazy right now.

"Precious" i call her but she's busy pacing up and down scratching her head. "PRECIOUS" I shake her and she looks at me with her eyes pooped out.

"Did Jesus allow us to sleep in one bed? Wait a minute, did you bribe him?" It's early in the morning and she's going crazy.

"Yes" i answered her feeling annoyed just to push her buttons.

"D…did you do me?" For a moment i got confused.

"Huh" I'm so lost and i think she noticed.

"Like this in and out" she started showing me movements of people fucking. I couldn't suppress my laugh, she killed me.

"No, what do you take me for? Just because we slept in one bed doesn't mean we did something."

"I'm late for work" she snapped out of her thoughts.

"Don't worry about that, I'm your boss remeber." She sighed closing her eyes and nodds in agreement. "Come here" we hugged so warmly. I inhaled her coconut scent closing my eyes and felt my blood rush. I wanted to kiss her so bad. Her being in my arms is everytging i could ever ask for.

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