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I lazily open my eyes finding Hendry looking at me with those deep blue eyes. He looks…….more like troubled. My body feels disoriented and tired, my left eye has a blurry vision. Maybe that's because I've been sleeping for far too long now.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything? Must I call a doctor?" Panick is written all over his face. I squirnt my left eye blinking a couple of time trying to bring my sight back to life but nothing happens.
I look at him a bit confused, if I recall clearly, I was in my bedroom, what am I doing here?

"Doctor?" That came out as a whimper.

He doesn't say anything, he stands up and walks out leaving me confused over the confusion I already have. Minutes later he comes back with the doctor.

"Mrs Lucas," the doctor greets me with a warm smile. The first thing he does, is inspect my eyes and writes down a hundred notes. Damn he has a ugly betty writing. "Hhhhmmmm your left eye, is it giving you any problems?"

"It's blurry." I tell him. He fiddles with the medicine on top of the counter.

"Lie down," I do as instructed without any questions. He apply the eye drops and damn it stings. My eye is burning. "We will have to keep you over night for observation. Her eye is not looking good."

"How did I get her vele vele?" I ask.

"Your husband brought you here this morning, you were not feeling well." The doctor tells me.

My mind comes back like a hurricane making making me to have a little bit of dizziness. "Ow yes now I remember." I say through my pounding headache.

"I bought you all the good stuffs you like." Hendry hands me a plastic full of food items that I love.

"You see you, I won't be divorcing you anytime soon." Fruits and salads are my best. I can't go a day without eating them

"The doctor says you are pregnant." Hendry speaks up.

"Ow okay." I shrugg my shoulders enjoying my salad. I don't want any disturbance. If only they knew how this taste they wouldn't be looking at me with those eyes full of hunger.


"You look beautiful," giving her a warm hug making my blood rush in excitement.

"Thank you," she smiles looking down. This woman looks somuch like Precious that it scares me sometimes. "Stop staring you making me feel uncomfortable." Shit she noticed.

"I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry. It's just that you look somuch like someone I use to date." Fuck I shouldn't have said that especially on our first date. It wasn't suppose to come out like that.

"Ow," now she looks disappointed. The response says it all.

I decided to change the subject. "You still refuse to tell me what was making you cry that day."

She sighed, "I found my boyfriend in bed with another woman and he dumped me on the spot." And I immediately see hurt in her eyes. Maybe if I tell her what I did she will feel better.

"I left the woman I love dearly for her best friend thinking she's carrying my baby only to find out that it was all a lie. The twins were not mine. The way I humiliated my ex, pouring her with cold water still hurts me till today. Worstly she is now happily married to my boss, making her to be my boss also."
I talk freely, talking about it doesn't hurt me anymore. But I want to be a away from her, seeing her still hurts. It brings back all the memories.

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