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"Well the main reason I'm here is because……" Hendery takes a deep breathe praying to his inner self  that this doesn't backfire. "I did something and I'm not even sure if i did the right thing."

"What did you do?" Precious asked  with her eyes narrowed. Than again, how does this girl manage to make me loose my senses completely?

"I'd rather take you there so you could see for yourselves." I tell them and i pray the agree to come with me.

""Hmmmmm" that was Precious response, and she's making my heart skip a bit.

"Ok ndodana, let put on my shoes so we could go." Her mother says, she stood up and putted her shoes on. We all went out of the house and she locked ther door.

The drive was very silent, luckily the house i bought was few was down the road so the drive wasn't long. I parked outside of the house and i must say it still looks beautiful like the last time i saw it. It also had a nice flower garden.

"Ahhhh MaHerry Herry Mr Muscle man, don't tell me you bought this house for yourself. But why would You leave your paradise? Do you love this house? No lies it's very homey." Precious with her non stop questions make me more nervous.

"It's actually not mines." I answer her. How do i even begin to tell them that this house belongs to them.

"Ay cha yona intle nkosi yami. I just wish someday God answers my prayers, atleast get my kids a lovely decent home before i die." Precious mother says scanning the house with her eyes full of sadness.

"Shall we go inside?" I lead the way and they follow me inside without any words being exchanged. The moment they got inside of the house they were speechless and the expressions on their faces were priceless.

"Now , this is…… i can't even explain." Nokwanda says, "the house is warm and the furniture looks expensive." She continues to add.

"Again who lives here?" Precious asked Hendry who swallowed a dry hard lump.

"Can we sit down please" I'm sweating and scared. What have i done? I need all the strength to tell them. It's now or never.

"Talk mfana you scaring us now" her mother is also becoming impatient. She's looking at me sharply making my spinal cord to crack.

"I didn't mean to go out of line but my heart ordered me to do what i did out of care. I hardly spend my money, don't take this the wrong way but this house belongs to you." I tell them, i looked down on my shoes with my heart on 180 heart beat.

"WHAT!" Precious mother asked in shock.

"This house belongs to you ma, i bought it out of the goodness of my heart. Please accept it." I feel a bit ashamed.

"I don't even have a cent, how will i pay you back? I don't even have a bank account, I've been struggling all my life. My life is a pain, what do you want in return? No one can just buy you a house, a whole house and don't expect something for gratitude." Her mother says with glistery eyes. I didn't to make her cry, let me just clarify my intentions.

"I don't expect you to pay me back ma. All i want is for you and your family to be happy and live in a healthy environment. I don't have a relationship with my parents, you welcomed me to your home with open arms and gave me a mother's love. My mother never loved me and i don't know what are her reasons. Again i don't expect you to pay me, and another thing my son enjoys being around you guys. He sometimes cry for visitation, but due to the condition i had to deny him. I want him to visit whenever he wants. Accepting this gift will mean a lot to me ma." I answer her honestly, this woman is magnificent. I wonder how the hell her husbad let her slip off his hands just like that.
She's kneeling infront of me sobbing painfully, what do i do now? I stand up helping her to also stand, i pulled her into a tight hug calming her down.

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