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What a house! No food, no nothing! What on earth did Hendry Lucas feed G. I bet he relied on takeaways.
The hug he smashed me with this morning made me shiver. Even Mlungisi's hugs never made me feel that weak, he never made my knees wobbly, what am i even thinking. This is is my boss for crying outloud, i shouldn't be thinking such nonsense comparing my boss with my so cold boyfriend… i mean ex boyfriend for that matter.
Let me just go talk to him about groceries, i can't live in an empty house, never! I refuse.

"Sir, i think you should do some grocery shopping. There's absolutely nothing in this house. You can't have a child who eats unhealthy always." For crying outlout they need a healthy meal just for once.

"Yes mam." He pulled out his bank card from his wallet. "Here, you will buy everything that's missing." He gave me his card and he was so focused on the tv with his feet on the glass table. The table that I've just wiped sparkling clean!

"Remove for feet off the table Mr Lucas and get that stincky ass up before i make you!" I half shouted at him with my hand on my waist, that made him jump of the couch in shock and in fear.

"O…o…oky we can go to the car," what the hell when did he start to count words when he speak.
I watch him as his driving, his sweating mxm suka such a drama queen.

"Are you oky?" I ask him i just want to hear his response.

"Who? Me? Ow yes I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be fine?" Oky his so acting weird. "And we are hear." He says parking his car into the parking lot.
I look at my surroundings and shit hit the fan I'm at The Pavilion Mall. Does this man hate me this much.

"OW HELL NO! Not now not ever," i felt my heart being squashed, i pressed my ass together so tight feeling like there's a pencil (impeshwane) in my asshole, walking like a robot back to the car. This is total humiliation.

"Precious," i hear Hendry call out my name, i won't let this man do this to me. I let my ass loose and ran back to the car, dammit it's locked.

"I've never been into a mall before, how will people look at me? They would definatly see that it's my first time here." I tell him honestly. Only rich people come to this place. It just make me want to have an anxiety attack, i don't even know how it feels like to have one.

"It's oky baby girl. You just need to relax, breathe and let loose. Walk inside that mall like you own it and everything will be alright. Stick with me and i shall show you the world. But do me a favour, don't trip and fall." Oky his now teasing me and he has that stupid grin on his face.

"Yea right, very funny Mr Lucas," i teased him back.

He started scanning my body looking at me from head to toes, "i don't like those leggings, they revealing way too much. Those thick thighs are all out." He says. Did this man just complain about my clothing? All thanks to Nokwanda who completely help me to change my wardrobe. I no longer wear baggy clothes and granny shoes. I smell great not to forget my new hairdo, straight up. I look pretty and i feel pretty. The make over left me broke but it was worth it. Later this month I'll be taking my mother and sister for shopping, they also need new things.

"Huh" I'm confused, his got nothing to do with my clothing. I didn't by it for him in the first place God dammit!

"You know what, forget i said anything." I just nodded still confused. He grabbed my hand roughly as i held G's hand. We walked inside and the door automatically opens.

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