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"Christine , if you do not bring you tiny legs right this minute I will funeral you!" This girl is a troublesome I can't stomach. We are late for our family gathering! It's 5:00 we not even late.

"Nyi nyi nyi funeral mama." She grins showing her silliness. This one is always mimicking my voice to a point I feel like funeraling myself.

"Sinezeliwe Lucas!" I warn her and this child decides to drastically laugh at me. She walks past me as if she did not notice me. I shake my head locking the house.
Christopher was already in the car with his father. My boy is such a humble soul. He behaves nothing like Christine. His sister is….. I can't even find the right words to describe her.

"Can we go now we gonna be late." G whines, I can't believe my first son has turned eleven. His has grown so much and he is very overprotective over his siblings.

"Yes sir, buckle up wifey." Hendry smiles looking at everyone in the car. For the past five years life has been extremely peaceful to a point I would sometimes forget my name. I thank God everyday for the man he gave me. Years ago I was just a dirty little girl who lived in a shack and knew nothing about the real world. This right here is where my heats belongs. My sister's have done extremely well for themselves. To even say Lakhiwe and Amanda now have a sister bond relationship. Nokwanda works in Cape Town with Themba following her around all the time. I just can't wait to see everyone at home.

"Mom did you fart?" G asks with a disgusted face and I don't care.

"No, I was just getting rid of the old air son." I answer bluntly.

"You stink!" Christine says with so much attitude folding her arms. I swear this girl will be the death of me. I side eye her and the devil is side eyeing me, unbelievable!


"Babe we're late, you know your father will kill us for being late. You know Eshowe is a bit far baby. It's 5:00 am, we should be there by 8:00!" I shout, Patience can take her own sweet time. My mother is already in the car with Elonathemba. My daughter has grown. My wife can definitely sleep. It feels weird to say my wife. We got married two years ago.

"Okay, okay, I'm here no need to shout." She says, it's funny how she is still half dressed and half asleep. Today we are just having a family gathering as a family.

"Let's go woman." I spank her ass trying to bring her back to life.  And she starts crying out of the blue.

"Hau and now." I'm curious to know why is she crying. I always spank her butt and she always enjoy it.

"Umithi umalambane." Now my mother got me thinking. The mood swings, crazy cravings, the sleeping. This explains it all. How come I never saw this.

"God what have I done." I say rubbing my face. This is going to be another long nine months of my life.


It was a two hour drive and we arrived right on time. The even starts at 13:00. We will be spending the night here and everyone has their own room, that's how big the Zikhali mansion is. I'm just glad that every cent they get they are putting it into good use.

"Precious!" Patience screams getting out of the car banging the door. She sobs on her sisters chest. "He….he hit me." Jesus, this devil even have hiccups.

"You did what!" Precious marched towards me with an angry face. Okay I'm dead.

"Run for your life!" Hendry shouts , I don't even know where he is, this yard is way to big. My mum is laughing her lungs out. She is rejoicing my down fall. I turned and run straight to the house to hide.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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