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I look at her innocent face shaking my head. Is she always this mad? To even think that she will say something important with her mouth she decides to kill me with it.
Her mother and Nokwanda are busy laughing their lungs out.  Precious is definatly a devil in disguise.

"That's not my daughter, how can she embarrass me like this." Her mother says and she's in stiches. I also ended up laughing cause she was hilarious.

"Precious lives in her own world" Nokwanda adds, I'm  even sure she's worse behind closed doors.

"I should get going it's getting late" i tell them.

"May the Jesus of Nazareth bless you my child. I don't have words to say but i have a thank you, but i can show you how much thankful i am. One day I'll shall reward you with a gift that will forever be in your heart." She tells me, hearing those words from a mother soothes my heart.

"Thank you for accepting my gift, that meant a lot to me. Let's go so i could drop you off at home." I pick Gerald Jnr who was fast asleep and we left the hospital premises. Miss fainter was fast asleep amd I'm damn pretty sure that she's dreaming about mermaids.

"Thank you for the lift son" her mom says fishing for something in her bag and came back with the keys.

"No problem, so when are you moving in?" What a question, how can i ask such a question.

"Tomorrow my son, I'll pack all my belongings. I don't want anything that has to do with this shack. I have a huge elegant house waiting for me. I won't stop thanking you as long as i live." She tells me, a thank you was more than enough for me. I bid farewell and drove straight to my house finding Amanda  standing outside the gate. I sigh annoyingly cause i know know she's here to fucken cause drama for. I drive through my drive way and she follows me behind.

"What do you want Amanda?" I asked her feeling annoyed.

"I'm here to apologise, i didn't mean to cause all of that drama. I know i messed up but all I'm asking is for a second chance." She says, i huff looking at her i have no time for people like her. I picked my son up taking him to my bedroom. And this bitch is following me around and she has the guts to be in Precious's room.

"This room belongs to my crazy baby mama. GET THE FUCK OUT! I roar making her to run out of the room feeling frightened.

"Again i will ask you, what are you doing in my wife's house?" I sat down comfortably on my couch. She stood up and took off her coat amd damn she still looks sexy. She modeled towards me and sat ontop of me.

"I want you, this, i miss us" she says seductively. It's been months without releasing my steam and this one here offered herself to me on a silver platter. I pushed her off roughly and damn i was already hard. I reaped off her g-string, took my pants and my boxers off. I jerked my shaft for preparation. I bent her over and i roughly shoved myself inside of her without care. A bitch will always be a bitch, i started pumping her without care ignoring her cries.


"You are well Miss Zikhali, you are discharged. Just make sure you do not over work yourslef. But other than that you are healthy and fit." The doctor tells me, his busy flirthing with me and I'm just out of it, i feel zero fokol.

"Thank you" i tell him faking a smile, can't he be gone already. It's bloody 10 O'clock in the morning.

"Is it possible for me to get your numbers so we could go out for lunch sometime." Can someome please come shoot me, this doctor is irritating me. Can't he sense that i want to be alone. What happend to his sixth sense?

"Is this What you do doc? Asking numbers from married women" Hendry say, standing in the room. When did he get here?

"I was actually……. No never mind sir, i apologise." The doctor takes the file off the bed and hurries out of the ward.

"Where's my son?" I ask him. I watched him as he placed my bags on the bed.

"I took him to your mother" he answered me. Something is definatly off about him, i could tell.

"What did you do?" He looks at me shocked, guess he wasn't expecting that question.

"Huh" he says pretending to be lost.

"I know you Mr Lucas, i can tell by the way you looking at me that you did something wrong. So my question is, what did you do?" I see him sweat struggling to breathe.

"I slept with someone i did not mean to." He says in a low voice full of guilt and regret.

"So why are sour?" I ask him.

"She seduced me and stupid me feel for it." He says.

"Where was my son when all this happend?" I ask him, his eyes are wondering around like he stole something.

"He was a….asleep" he tells me.

"Where did this happen?"

"It didn't happen in your bedroom i swear. After leaving the hospital yesturday i found her outside my gate. I changed the codes, so she wasn't able to let herslef inside the house. She got naked infornt of my and one thing lead to another and i regret it." He tells me,  i can tell that he feels bad, but why?

"Did you use protection?" That's the first thing that came across my mind.

"No" he replys looking down shamefully. I won't judge him but next time he should know the importance of protection.

"I don't know what to say, atleast use protection to protect yourself  from all the diseases hovering around. You have a child to think of, what ever you do or what ever decision you take make sure to always put G first." I tell him and he looks at me with his eyes popped out. "What?" I ask him.

"I thought you would….. i don't  throw tantrums maybe." He says.

"Nope, just be open minded next time. Let me go change so we could go." I take my bag to go change.

"You didn't bath didn't you?" He asked me with a buge frown on his face.

"I did" i gladly say lieing through my unbrushed teeth.

"I know how you smell before and after you shower" he straighten his body looking at me. "I don't mind waiting" he tells me, i groan to turn back to go take that stupid shower which i drastically hate.

"Done" i tell him. I don't know why these guys hate me somuch. I don't like bathing i hate it with somuch passion. He signs the discharge papers and drove to town to have some lunch. I had even have forgotten what landed me in hospital.

"Please hit me" i order him, but he just looks at me like I've lost it. Looking at this house makes my head spin.

"Don't faint on me miss fainter" he tells me stepping out of the car.
Me Precious Mbalezinhle Zikhali MaWeapons now lives in a house like this, God forbid.

"This is all a dream, I'm dreaming. Mama is yet to wake me up. MaHerry Herry i need a walking stick for the grand entrance. You know when i was at hospital i waited all night to see where the sun would rise but it dawned on me. Imagine the whole Precious, Mapresh, Preshi Preshi, aysuka you wouldn't understand. You know my intestines are dead they want to come out. I need to use the bathroom, maybe if i pee all of this would come out of my system.

"Precious you are rumbling, you not even making sense. Let's go inside ma is waiting for you." He
Tells me in his commanding voice.

I felt my breast shrink, "mama, mother of Jesus Christ why have you forsake me. I woke up from the dead, i see dead people. SIZANI! SIZANI! Awe I'm a ghost." I felt my heart having a panick attack.

"Precious" he calls out for my name, but my mind was occupied. I need plan B fast.

I should hide my body underneath the car, I'm scared to go into that house. What if i faint again? Hiding under the car will be the safest place ever. I feel the car's engine hot and i felt suffocated.

"Funeral me you damn stupid car, ghost me alive i need to be ghosted. MaHerry Herry call 10111 i need to be rescued. Don't just stand there like a wet cow! Do something your car is burning me! Awemalo! malo!

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