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It's been a week since Gerald Jnr was assaulted. I produced enough evidence to legally adopt him. Doesn't a mother protect their own cubs? Clearly not cause this happened right under her noise, but decided to turn a blind eye. I don't want her near my son, she's not even allowed to see him no matter what. Good thing that good for nothing husband was sentenced fifteen years in prison. I wish he will go through all the pain he caused Gerald Jnr. My parent's don't even know that their beloved son has a son and i won't even bother tell them, i know for a fact that they will take him away from me.

I drew up this wall in my heart not to let anyone in, my heart cannot love another person other than my son. He brings light into my life, a smile on my face which is something that doesn't usually happen.

"Lucas what the fuck! I've been calling you for almost thirty minutes. Why are you ignoring me like i don't exist?" Who invited Amanda in. I don't have time for her drama right now.

"Keep you're voice down." I'm seriously annoyed by the stunt she's trying to pull.

"You are ignoring me Lucas, why huh? Do you have another bitch hiding in this house!" She's screaming on top of her lungs

"You w……" i was interrupted by a tiny voice.

"Dad" great just great, this bitch woke Gerald Jnr up.

"What the fuck is this? You have a son? A whole son and not even once you decided to share the news with me. I want this busted child to crawl back from ever which hole it came out from." She folded her arms staring right back at Hendry.

"Amanda don't annoy me. You scaring him." If Gerald Jnr was not in sight i would have showed her flames.

"Me annoy who? You now talk to me like this because of this statue infront of you're eyes." She blurted without care.

"If you are done screaming like a mad woman please close the door on your way out. I don't have time for spineless bitches like you. If you ever call my son ever again like that, i will kill you slowly and bury you where no one will find you." I took Gerald Jnr's hand leaving Amanda screaming my name. I tuck him in bed and slept close to him, i know he feels safer this way. I'm done with Amanda, i never loved her anyway. She was just a gold digger who was after my money. Gerald Jnr is my number one priority right now. I'm helping him heal and forget, how will i help him heal since I'm a broken man myself. Tomorrow  i have to go back to work and i have no choice to take my son with me. I don't trust him with anyone for that matter.


I tried reaching out to him, I tried all the tricks in the book but nothing worked. He hates me and I don't know why. The last time I went to him trying to fix our broken relationship he poured me with cold water, threatened to have me arrested for trespassing. Mlungisi stricked me dead, he killed my heart and funeraled it. My five year relationship just went down the drain.

"Girl you will have a heart attack his not worth your tears. Even if you wear rags you will still look beautiful. If he loved you he was going to work on you, with you and not be against you. If he loved you he was going to hold your hand and make you a better person. Maybe loosing him is a blessing in disguise, there is someone out there for you. I want the crazy Weapon back, stop sulking for a loser. Pick yourself up and show him that he did good by breaking you're heart!" Nokwanda says. She has been a good shoulder to cry on and she knows how to make me feel better.

"Thank you." I genuinely tell her, what would i have done without her. I've been crying for too long, why did it have to be this way. We used to be so strong, now he took my soul. He could have told me earlier that he wasn't happy with me than stringing me along.

"As for that fake friend of yours, show her that you can make other friends. Show her what bestfriends do for each other. The world doesn't revolve around her. I'm here for you." Nokwanda says as she gave me the warmest hug ever. Swazi and i used to hug, but her hugs were always cold. Nokwanda is the best but I've only known her for two weeks. She's full of love and always honest, she speaks nothing but the truth.

"You're right, thank you again. You just know which buttons to press to make me feel better." I tell her.

I don't have much work to do since my boss is not around and it's been a week. I keep myself busy by writing songs or helping Nokwanda with her chores. I don't understand why we have to come to work everyday cause the building is always clean.

"Have you ever tried entering a singing competition?" Nokwanda asks me while she's busy polishing the table. Shes been very pushy lately.

"No. I'm very afraid of people, i don't know if it's phobia or what." I honestly doubt myself, seeing alot of people makes me shake and have panic attacks.

"You should, you really have a great voice." Shes always genuine about me but hardly talks about herself.

"Why do you hardly talk about yourself?" I ask her and i see her face drop in disappointment.

"There's nothing to share." She answered me looking at another direction avoiding eye contact. I don't believe her.

"Do you really expect me to believe that. You know everything about me and my darkest secrets. I take you as my older sister now." I tell her and i see a tear drop from her eye.

"My parents died in a car accident last year. My whole world crumbled down. The house and the cars were evicted. No family member wanted to take me in, they said I'm a baggage and i carry alot of darkness around me. I live in a shelter just to survive cause i have no home." She sobbs, I'm in shock and heart broken.

"So behind this beautiful smile there's so much pain?" I asked her. I've never been this speechless in my life.

"Yes and I'm used to my lifestyle. At first it was hard, but now I'm used to it. Life really humbled me." She tells me, i admire her she's really strong.

"All done for the day." Swazi shouts bringing me back to earth. I didn't realise that we've worked this much. I'm dead tired and i can't wait to throw myself on my comfortable sponge. We walked outside the building and went out separate ways. Seems like the taxi will take longer today. It's very quite and people are taking there sweet watermelon time. I see these two traters entering the same taxi I'm in. Ow God why did you have to put them in the same taxi as me. Fuck, funeral me Jehova. Looking at them being all lovey dovey makes me sick. Mlungisi rubbed it in my face that he never loved me it was all pretence from the start. I'm about to jump off, how do i tell the driver I'm next. You know what fuck them these two backstabbers don't put food on my table.

"Ngicela ukusala kamthakathi" phew that was easy. I think he recognized my voice cause he stopped taking to his cameroon. The taxi stops, i hurried my body from the backseat to junp off. I felt their eyes on me and i dared not to look back. I held my head up high and walked away.

"Mama you're back ealry today. Is there a matter." I'm so concerned right now. She can't afford to loose he her job. I know being a street vendor is tiring but she will be having her own source of income.

"You're father called me and gloated that his precious daughter is getting married, we are summoned back home." I see the hurt in her eyes. I'm suprised that this man still has my mothers number.

"It's oky mama, God is not asleep. One day i will also make you proud, one day you will be smilling tears of joy." I hate seeing her like this. I try my best to put her calm.

"I know my baby. I will not go to that ceremony, why is he inviting me? They want me to go slave around, never! It's high time i divorce him, his no more longer worth my tears and energy." A smile creeped on my face after hearing those words coming out of her mouth.

"Dimamzo that's the spirit. Me, you and Fatima are not attending that shameless wedding." Thats the smile i would like to see on my mothers face, this woman right here is my pillow of strenght.

"How was work?" She asked me.

"Ahhh work is work mama, the atmosphere is so free, and……." My mind shifted to Nokwanda and my heart became sad. Is she oky? Has she eaten? All these questions are ringing through my mind. I just pray she's safe where ever she is, she's one big sister I've never had. She's quite calm and very humble. Why does God abandon his children when they need him the most?"

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