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I'm outside H.L Construction Company looking at this beautiful building, the more I look at it the more my heart excellerate in full swing speed. Finally my first day at work, I couldn't be more happier, who wouldn't be this happy working for this huge company. Who would have thought that me Mlungisi will be doing my internship program here. I was called for an induction and signing of contract last week. My work is pretty much easy, I will be operating the camera's. So basically I will be watching who comes and who goes, or any other suspecious activity. Making my way in here makes me have goosebumps.

"Good morning" I greet the receptionist. No lies she's pretty but fake.

"Good morning, this is your access disc," she hands me a small grey round disc and I looked at it confused.

"What does it do?" I asked her, will this have access to the camera's or a computer?

"Come let me show you how it works," she leads the way swaying her flat skinny ass to a certain door, placed the disc on a green button and the door opened. "Without this you won't be able to have any access to any door. Make sure you guide this with your life and bring it to work daily. If you misplace it it's R100 to replace it and it will be deducted from your salary. I'm Emily by the way, don't introduce yourself I still remember you from the induction."

"You work as a receptionist?" I ask her, she very talkative and she doesn't know when to stop.

"Ow no, I'm just helping out. The receptionist is running late. I'm the bosses PA." She said in her tiny squeaky voice. She was showing me around the building until she lead me into a room that was full of computer screens, finding two other gentlemen playing cards. "Atleast you got to have a brake while the rest of us is busy slaving." Emily says.

"If only you knew how tiring it is  staring at your ugly faces." The gentleman replies.

"Ow please, I know you enjoy looking at our ugly faces." She teased back. "Let me love and leave you." She walked out of the room leaving the guy's introducing each other.

"I think I'll enjoy working here." Mlungisi.

"Our place I a chilled one, it's not hectic." The gentleman speaks, making Mlungisi nodd his head in agreement. To even think Precious was the one who encouraged him to study IT cause she knew I was good with technology. On the other hand my mind was stuck on agriculture. I don't even know what the heck happens there. If there's someone who knows me more than anything it's definitely Precious.


I can't seem to focus at work, my mind is literally stuck. Why didn't I come clean from the start, now she will go crazy in front of people. Why didn't I tell her everything from day one? What the hell is bloody wrong with me? How will I face her? Ow God I'm funeraled, she will kill me. Jackie Chan will go all Caster Cemenya on me. I leaned on my chair unbuttoning my shirt.

"Fuck!" I banged the table. "It's now or never, I'm taking this shit out of my chest" I pack my files  putting them neatly back into the shelves. I need to clear my schedule for the day.

"Emily, clean my schedule for the day," I tell her over the phone and hung up. I take my briefcase, locking my office and walked out of the building.

"Shit!" I've never been so scared in my entire life. I got in the car throwing my briefcase at the back seat and roared the engine driving off.
I parked outside the garage, i stepped out of the car and sent her a imergency text. I took a deep breath going inside of the house ready to be a chicken stir fried.

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