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For the past days my life has taken an unexpected U-turn. All of this was about to crumble down within a blink of an eye. My life almost scattered making my enemies rejoice, but the woman who came into my life changed all of that.
I've never been with a woman who doesn't care about my status, money, and that lavishing lifestyle. She's still simple, clumsy and down to earth. She still handles Pap And Grill like a baby, alot of developments have been made. I also notice that her stuff is much more relaxed and the environment is carefree. Whatever my wife touches turns to Gold. She has turned into a sex addict which scares me at times. She wants to try every position and trick on the book, that's how carefree she is around me.

It's funny how people we resigning like crazy, clients pulling out with immediate effect. Now that I'm back on my own feet they want to come back. Hell no! I don't need back stabers, they left me for Kenneth where is that Kenneth today. His rotting in jail. I guess he messed with a wrong crowed. I'm fine with the clients and investors that I have. To even think that I now do business world wide because of my wife makes my heart melt. My company has been busy like crazy and we are making tripple the money.

As for my son he made it clear that he wants to be around Gab, that's how he calls Precious's mother. At first it didn't sit well with me because Amanda is always around. Me and her have history and I knew that she hated my son. I guess all of that changed, the way she spoils him now says it all. She has really stepped up into fixing her life. The recent Amanda is the best version of the desperate Amanda I knew. We all change for the better.

On the other hand I've been informed that my parents have been hospitalized. My mother suffered a stroke and my father had a heart attack. I don't know what is the cause of their predicament and honestly I don't care. I'm focusing on my family and myself, I'm focusing on my legacy. My life comes first more than anything. They failed to be my parents…….. since I was born they never showed love or interest in me. I have my mini perfect family right infront of my eyes.


"Shaya! They don't listen." Gabisile tells Zondiwe who was bashing Amanda with a flip flop. Zozo thought it's best for her to be around someone her age. Those two youngster were turning her into a zombie having wet dreams. Those moans, groans and dick me down always leave her clit throbbing, which leads to her assisting herself. Precious's moans full of chinekee made her sleep with her hands inbetween her flaps. One night she woke up and stole that cucumber just to satisfy herself.
They have been treating her good, seeing herself being televisionalised made her feel like a queen. Seeing herself in papers makes her rich. She ordered Hendry to hire guards for her wherever she goes. Her words, 'Bhusimane I need men like Goliath, you know Johan is busy securiting 24/7 in heaven so I need my own security system. I can't let people take my richness, never!' Hendry had no choice but to obey, what she wants she gets. Themba is always available for her, even though he complains at times about the embarrassments and drama she causes.

"You sleep empties now! You sleep emptiness! Who's daughter are you! I want to wash each and every bedding in this household. What do you know about sleeping out? Get out of my sight before I call the helicopter." Zondiwe spits fire, she watched Amanda as she ran to her bedroom.

"Did she hit you?" Nokwanda asks bitting her nails. They both sneaked out of the night but Amanda got caught.

"Her hand is weak. Imagine if it was Mama Dragon who dealt with me." Amanda says laughing. She enjoys the scolding moments, punishments and hidings. She never got to experience this part of life. Everything to is exciting and new.

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