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My paintings are selling like crazy. The Art Gallery requested for my portfolio because they were impressed and interested in my drawings. When I draw I let my emotions out, I let them run wild, that's how I express my feelings. I'm making so much money out of these drawings. Mother is very proud of me and I'm proud of myself too. Love found me when the least I expected it. Austine has been a great support system throughout. He forced me into going out and selling my paintings and I must say I'm more than thankful.

"I'm so proud of you my daughter." That's Gabisile Precious's mother. This woman has brought nothing but joy and happiness in me. I didn't know having a loving family can make a person sane. I will forever cherish this woman. She took me in when my family neglected me when I needed them the most.

"Ahhhh mama, thank you for having trust in me and not giving up on me when I had no one. Thank you for showing me love and happiness. You are one strong woman who deserves all the happiness coming your way. I hope Mdledle aka Mandlebe is treating you like a queen." I say and I see her blush. Awu mother is inlove.

"Just shut up before I slice that tounge of yours." She says hitting me with a caution. I wish we could stay like this forever. I didn't know that a mother's love brought so much happiness into a human being. My birth mother failed me but the woman who bearly knew me took me in with all of my flaws and baggages. She never judged me but gave me love that I've always been longing for. Do you know the happiness of seeing something from the store and you immediately think of your mother and you end up buying it even if you are penniless. That's me, her love is making me do crazy stuff.


"I'm definitely proud of my son. It seems as if he got himself a true definition of a woman who loves him against all odds. Through richer and poorer, this woman will definitely take a bullet for Hendry." Hendry's uncle stated.

"I'm just happy that I got to witness everything the time we represented him. You should see their son Gerald Jnr, such a lovely boy." Another uncle adds.

"You represented him?…… No one thought of informing me. So his son's name is Gerald, unbelievable!" Hendry's father Papa ask in disbelief. He doesn't know whether to be angry or sad, for the fact that he betrayed his own son for nothing. Looking at him being live on TV brought goosebumps on him, it made him shiver that he bounced back and not even once has he ever asked for his assistant. For a moment he thought to himself, 'why do I hate my son this much?' unfortunately there was no answer. At some point he believed that he was responsible for Gerald reckless behaviour. All these years he hated his son for absolutely nothing!

Today he found a letter stashed into his diary. The letter looked dirty and it had sand in it. What confuses him is that he uses his diary everyday but not even once he saw the letter. How did it land in his diary in the first place?

"Ow yes, he is our son after all. We can't wait for the traditional wedding. He has to take his wife traditionally. We don't know much about African culture but we will learn in the long run." The uncle beams in excitement, he knows that his brother hates his son with every fibre in him. The least they could do is to do right by their son.

Papa sigh sadly having flashbacks of all the things he once done to Hendry and his mother never bothered to protect him. Gerald was a problematic child since he was still young. They blamed Hendry for every wrong and mistake Gerald did. How does he make things right? Is it too late to try and fix the father and son relationship? He started having chest pains making it hard for him to breathe. He stood up trying to balance himself using the table but he fell holding his chest. The sharp pain was excruciating and his inner breath smelled like blood. He chocked on his own salavia mumbling some words. The sharp pains hit hard making him gasp for air. He wheezes trying to control his breathing but his wind pip was blocked. The brothers stood there as they watched his brother take his last breathe.

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