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Who would have thought that I Mlungisi would be this madly in love with the mother of my child. Ow yes we are four months pregnant and I wouldn't have been more excited. It was hard to move on from Precious, part of me still has that deep connection with her. She will always own part of my heart but I have to put myself first and find happiness. After coming out clean to Patience we took some time apart in order for me to find myself again and I did.

"You seem to be in a good mood." She wraps her hands around my waist.

"Can't a father to be, be happy?" So this is what how it feels like to be connected to one of your own?

"Seems like I'm being replaced." She pouts folding her arms. Ever since we found out that we are pregnant I'm making sure that I want to right by her side at all times. "and my father is still waiting for your response." As a man inhlawulo is very important.

"My uncle is coming down this weekend." I want to hit two birds with one stone. Inhlawulo plus amalobolo in one day, that wouldn't be bad.

"Hmmmmmm, I'm trying to get hold of Precious she's not picking up. I feel like something is going to happen, or maybe I'm going mad." Their relationship has turned from 0 to 100. Another person wouldn't take care of their families like Precious does after everything they have done to them.

"It's the hormones baby girl." She clicks her tounge and walks away leaving me in stiches. Swazi was the worst girlfriend a man could ever find. I'm grateful I found Patience and made me a better man.

"I'm gone, I don't want to be late." My mum is pretty much excited about her new job. What did I tell you about Precious, that one will always see good in other people no matter how bad they have wronged her. She is one true remarkable woman. She came here months ago demanding to see my mother Kanti woman has a sneaky plan up her sleeves. My mother is a dishwasher in her restaurant and she earns better compared to what she earned from her previous job.

"Good luck mumzo."

"Take care of my grandchild." She says rushing out of the house. The topic in this house…. . baby this baby that.


"I'm here for you. Whenever they decide to shit on you just shout for me." Nokwanda likes to make everything a joke. I find finally agreed into meeting my family. They came down to Durban from Eastern Cape. I don't know what they want from me cause they made it clear that I will always be usless and a failure infront of their eyes.

"They are here." They dressed to kill one would swear that they going to a contest.

"I should have wore my suit." Austine teases making us to laugh. I have a weird loving family.
They walk towards our table with so much catwalking like they own the place. If only they knew that this place belongs to my crazy sister Precious.

"Amanda," my mother calls out for my name making herself comfortable on the chair.

"Babe, we will give you some privacy, call me when you done." Austine kisses my forehead and walks out leaving me yearning for him.

"Mntase don't forget or else Precious will deal with you pregnatically." Nokwanda cannot shut up at times. I feel like giving her a one big slap.
I look at them as they walk out hand in hand with Themba.

"Sisi how are you," hehehe this is the first. Dis she just call me sisi.

"I'm good."

"You look pretty." Maybe if my mother told me this year's back I would have jumped in joy but right now I just don't feel anything.
I just look at them waiting for them to start talking." Right I'm sorry."

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