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"Precious the boss is demanding to see you." I turned around like a quick lightening looking at this lady infront of me, is she mad? Why did they have to fucken lock the gates, i would have been home by now.

"I'm not going back in there, what have I done to deserve this" wait a minute, what if i fake a panick attack, they will let me go righ?

" I'm afraid you have to. You're not leaving this place until you're interview is done. If you keep on refusing he will arrest you for trespassing." I widen my eyes in shock, no this can't be happening to me. I go down on my knees saying a little prayer with people starting at me like I'm sort of crazy and i couldn't careless. I have bigger issues to handle.

"Let's go" i feel lighter after praying, i stand and follow her behind counting my steps, clinging onto my plastic bag with all eyes on me. Damn i look like a hobbo, what a movie to start my day. What if i don't get this job? Mama would be sad, i have to make her proud. She opens a double door were i assume the interview is being held.

"Goodluck" she say leaving me inside lost. What do i do know.

"Have a sit miss" it's so quite and all eyes were on me, i slowly took baby steps towards the chair. Damn these shoes are giving me no rest with that kuff kuff wet sound. Now they are looking at my wet muddy shoes, this is a total nightmare. I sat down and shyed away without looking at them. They looking at me with so much disgust  and i couldn't careless.

"What happened to you? What made you this dirty in the morning?" Who's this man asking me questions so early in the morning.

"I fell into the mud" i answer him honestly.

"Why didn't you go home and change?" Helang I'm not in court moss. This man will be a serious problem. I need to eliminate him.

"And miss the chance of being hired, never!" I clap my hands once and i see shock written all over their faces.

"Mr Lucas, i don't think this young lady here is the perfect candidate. I mean look at the way she's so dirty in the morning. I wouldn't be suprised if she didn't have a bath." One of the boardmember says.

"I'll be interviewing her the rest of you will shut up. Who are you to know who's fit and not fit to work in my company?" No one obeys Mr Lucas's orders, his word is final.
"So miss tell me if i were to hire you for this job, what will you do with your salary?" Did he just asked me the stupidest question of them all?

"I… i" cleared my throat that had an unexpected dry lump stuck up, i calmed myself down by taking a deep breathe. "I want to go back to school to pursue my dreams. I've been a street vendor for about a year to raise some funds for my registration. So getting this job will help me pay for my registration." Fuck what did i just say? I didn't even understand myself.

"Hmmmmm, what are you're dreams?" Ay this man doesn't smile or laugh, is he even human?

"I want to be famous like Beyonce" i answered him with a big broad smile on my face. These people laugh at me like I'm some kind of joke. Did i say something funny? I'm pissed. "You know i may look dirty infront of you're eyes i don't care. I want this job and im going to get it by fire by force. You are sitting you're asses on those expensive chairs laughing at me just because i said i want to be famous. Well news flash one day i will be famous, with this voice i have I'll go places!" Why am i even shouting?

"You sing you say?" You see this man is starting to seriously annoy me. "Sing for us i don't have all day, make it quick" he chucks looking at me with those blue eyes.

"Mr Lucas i think you're going out of content of the interview now. This is not how things are done sir." This granny hates me already.

"Are you my boss? Incase you're forgotten I'm you're boss, you don't get to tell me what to do in my company." This man is so fucken rude but magogo deserves it. "You may proceed Miss" i hate that title. What do i sing? Beyonce flashed on my mind. I closed my eyes imagining myself on the stage with alot of fans cheering and screaming my name.

She was lost in so many different ways
Out in the darkness with no guide
I know the cost of a loosing hand
But for the grace of God go i
I found found heaven on earth
You are my last, my first
And then i hear this voice inside
Ave Maria

Sometimes love can come and pass you by
While you busy making plans
Suddenly hit you and then you realize
It's out of you're hands
Baby you got to understand

I stop half walf realising that I'm in an interview and the room was dead silent. I slowly open my eyes, and all eyes were on me.

"Why that song?" His voice was now more calmer and that made me relax a bit.

"It's preferred as an elegy is because of the melody. This song is delicate and relaxing which can help lighten the burden of mouners when coming into terms with their loved ones. It allows mourners to weep gracefully." Damn where did my mind get all of that information, my tounge was so slippery.

"Hmmmm" he kept quite looking at me like his thinking something. "You're hired, you're starting on Monday. You may take you're leave." He closed his small book that was infront of him.

"WHAT! She's not even fit for this position" this granny doesn't back down. It's time i put her on the leash.

"Granny and who's fit for this position? I didn't know cleaning after you're shit and offices require a person to have a degree for that. Do they offer cleaning lessons in varsities and tertiaries? I doubt. Like it or not you will be seeing me on Monday." I stood an held my purse for dear life.

"Just disrespect, you bringing hoods to our company!" This granny doesn't back down.

"Fire in the name of Jesus Christ. The way you're so wrinkled you won't see heaven. A rat hood is you. Jesus will never allow you in heaven, i will have a word with him." I turn to walk away actually i didn't walk i ran out for my dear life passing everyone by the receptionist without turning back.

"Fuck, damn that was hectic. God forgive me I'm you're child. Mama will be so proud of me." I waited any longer i took a taxi going straight home.

"MAMA! MAMA! I GOT THE JOB!" I'm  screaming getting off the taxi ruuning like a mad woman to the shack finding my mother cooking. This woman is my rock through thick and thin.
"Mama you looking at the new cleaner at the H.L Construction." I squilled in excitement.

"WHAT! Oh Jehovah mukhulu." My mother starts crying. I'm gald she's crying tears of joy.

"Haa sisi, so that means i will now carry lunchbox with lattice like every rich kid?" My little sister asked. It broke my heart to know that we couldn't even afford a proper lunchbox for her.

"Yes Fatima, no more suffering" she smiled looking at me with so much joy.

"What happend to you're dress?" my mother with her concerned voice though.

"Heee mama you wouldn't believe…." I narrate the whole story to her, by the time i was finished she was in stiches.

"Kodwa nawe, how many times do i tell you not to look up when getting off the taxi. You don't listen." She continues to laugh at me. This is what i love about my mother. She's everything I've ever wished for. One day God will see us through and wipe all the pain and suffering we've endured. I don't see myself abandoning this human being that went through hell for us.

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