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"Get her cleaned up, call that make-up artist to come work on those bruises. She must make sure that by 12 O'clock Hendry must be released, or else she will have me to deal with in an unexplainable way." I tell one of the guards over the phone.

"Yes mam." He answered before we disconnected the call.

"So what's your plan." Nokwanda asked me, she's been curious for the past two days.

"I want her to sing at the station before Hendry is escorted to court that's all." I replied. I want Amanda to tell everyone in that station that she framed the poor guy. Ever since i left her in that freezer not even once i checked up on her. Women like her don't deserve to be treated like human beings. I'm sorting this issue out and i believe we will not cross paths again with her, cause if she does nci nci nci God knows i will release that sex tape within a blink of an eye.


"Ple….please let me go," Amanda begs. For the past two days she saw hell, her life was nothing but hell itself. She thought about her life, the bad the decisions she took and the heartache she caused in people's marriages. She thought about her family, and thought to herself she's better off without them.

"Stick to the agreement and make sure that after this confession  you stay far away from the Lucas family especially his wife. His crazy wife won't be this lenient with you next time." The guard tells her.

"I…i didnt mean to cause t…trouble sir." She said and the guard ignored her. The panick in her voice was there, if only she didn't mess with Mr Lucas she wouldn't be here.

"I hear you, but someone wouldn't. Imagine if it was your brother who was framed for something he didn't do. Was Mr Lucas really going to spend the rest of his life in jail for a crime he didn't commit? Did you think about the consequences? Did you think about the kid? That boy is still young to loose his father over some lousy rape that didn't even happen. Think before you act." He tells her leaving the room. She sat in comfortable and thought about the damage she have caused.

Minutes later the make-up artist arrived with her make-up kit. Her face was a bit swollen bit nothing a make-up can't hide. She managed to cover her face perfectly.
Minutes later they were done.

"All done," the make-up artist tells one of the guards packing her things away. Amanda was sitting quitely looking at herself in the mirror, she wanted so bad to be dead. She thought banging her head against the wall, God will work in her favour and take her life. But no one of the guards decided to play hero and save her. Her found her unconscious, the first thing he did was put dip her body water in warm water washing the dry blood and cleaning her wounds. Her body felt alive again even though she was a bit still weak. He nursed her until she regained her strength to be able to feed herself. She eat like she hadn't eaten in days and the chicken tasted so good.

"What are you thinking about?" The guard that helped her asked as he sat beside her.

"My life" she answered.

"What about your life?" He asked, he wandered how a beautiful woman can be this crazy. He watched the video clip over and over again.

"My family hates me, they believe i have this sickness that no one knows about. What amazes me is that i don't even know what kind of sickness i have. Why was i born  in the first place?" She felt her eyes pickle with tears and she sniffed.

This ManOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora