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I'm falling deeper and deeper for this crazy human being. Hendry Lucas has fallen inlove, I can't believe it myself either. I'm slaving myself around the kitchen and I don't even know what I'm making. I'm stuck and I don't even know what to mix what with what. The eggs have too much salt and they are badly burnt.

"Are you trying to burn down my house Mr Lucas?" Great she awake, "I was trying to be that guy who  brings breakfast in bed for his wife now you spoiled everything". The kitchen is a mess and I'm pretty sure that the meat is raw.

"Ncah nkosi, what I did I do to deserve this treat?" She asks, this one enjoys walking around naked. I guess she has grown to be comfortable around me.

"Mxm, shut up and help clean this mess up." I tell her and she gladly helps helps me clean the mess I made. I can't wait to smash that little small punani of hers. These thighs are making my machine to jerk up. I think I will be breaking the rule anytime soon I can't take this toture any longer. The door bell rang.

"Ay so early in the morning." She's always complaining.

"I'll go check." I walk to the door and surprisingly there is no one. The gate is locked, this is creepy. I walk outside and I stumble across something hard almost making me trip.

"A briefcase." I say to myself. I look at it closely and noticed that it's the same suitecase that had Precious's dowery, it looks wet and covered in sand.

"MaLucas, come and see this." I call for her.

"What is it?" She asks standing behind me.

"Look at this." I point out at the briefcase. "This is the same briefcase we left back at your father's house.

I look at her picking it up and dusting the sand off, "now the question is who brought it here?" We are both clueless. We tried so hard to put the pieces together but nothing. My phone rings disturbing our thoughts. I picked the call up and it was the hospital. My mind is still wrapped around this money. Who brought it here and why?

"That was the hospital, your aunt is finally awake." She squeaks in excitement jumping up and down with her boobs bouncing back and forth.

"What did we do with the money?" She asks.

"For now we will keep it in the storeroom until we know what to do." I respond, thank God it's Sunday and I get to relax.


"Ward 52," receptionist, she couldn't keep her eyes off Hendry.

"Thank you." I say, we are at the hospital to see my aunt. After the news of being told that she's awake, I didn't want wasting anymore time. I decided to come see her.

"Aunt Zozo, I've missed you so much." I rushed to her bed giving her a tight hug and she flinches.

"Careful before you kill me again. They don't want me in heaven." She says, she woke up from the dead to spit nonsense.

"I missed you too. Why did you steal me.?

"I don't know, I just felt like doing it." I say shrugging my shoulders. "How are you coping though?"

"Better but I'm weak and I have pains in my stomach." She tries sitting up but the pain stopped her. "Ahhhh you brought my bhu'smane, where is the televisionalised so that people can see that I'm die hard the terminator?"

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