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I can't sit all day and do basically nothing, it's not even 8:00 and I'm already bored. Hendry is indeed of a new PA, ever since the Emily saga he is finding it hard to trust any human being.
Themba is still my personal driver and my body guard. I don't need this but hey the dude says prevention is better than cure. Ever since he found out about my blurry vision, his been more cautious towards my health. I sometimes ask myself, how does he put up to all the shit I put him through? The way he looks at me just makes my knees weak. Ahhhh this man is my ride or die.

"I'll go back to the house, I'm hungry." Themba cries. We now take one another as family. Just because he is my body guard that doesn't mean I have to look down on him. His also a human being who is trying to make a living by putting food on the table for his family.

"The food is in the fridge." I say getting out of the car minding my step. Phew I didn't fall maybe it's part of me growing.

"Yes mam." Themba teases me. He knows very well that I hate it when he addresses me in that manner but today I will let it slide. I'm happy, too happy that I'm going to see my husband's big head.
I walk in the building looking up and I remember my first day coming here. My interview was a disaster, but here I am today married to the man who loves me beyond my clumsiness.

"Good morning mam." The new receptionist greet me. After signing that new deal Hendry decided to clean the company and hire new stuffs. The only people who were not retrenched are the cleaners and the IT guys. Those people were the ones who stood by him when the company almost came down crashing.

"How are you this morning?" I ask, She's very young and always quite.

"I'm good mam." Sthandwa returns the smile. I pass by the open space greeting the rest of the new stuff and head to my husband's office.
After signing that tender we decided to do renovations to make it look more spacious and more welcoming. Our names are always on paper's flying around.

"My favourite person." Hendry greets me with a bone crushing hug. I think I just died.

"I can't breathe, I think I'm dead and about to give birth. You have squashed my lungs emotionally."

He chuckles loosening the tight hug, "you look beautiful Mrs Lucas." Kissing the tip of my noise. I've grown to enjoy these weird kisses.

"Hay baby I'm just wearing jeans." I'm not allowed to wear those glamorous million dollar shoes. Takkies and sleepers will do until I give birth. I'm not even a fan of pants, but Mr right here loves my behind more when I wear pants.

"And you wearing my favourite." He lick his lips, what a pervet of a husband I have. He looks at his wrist watch. "Interviews are commencing in a few. Make yourself comfortable, on second thoughts come let's go I can't leave you alone." He grabs my hand and we walk hand in hand. He enjoys being the man and I also give him the upper hand.

"I like the new interview room." The boardroom was very big for interviews to be held there. A mini office was than created for conducting interviews.

"All thanks to you." He kisses my earlobe. Hendry is not afraid to show me affection infront of thousands of people. He smiles alot whenever he is with me but looks murderous on the outside world. Most people are still afraid of him and some wonder how do I cope with a man who hardly says a word to anyone. It's simple, love has done it all.

We sat down and luckily we are interviewing only three candidates. Honestly speaking I'm bored and tired but I can't disappoint him. He loves it when I'm around.

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