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I hate mornings, i hate being disturbed by this ice-cream ringtone alarm. Preparing Gerald Jnr is a struggle i definatly need a full time nanny. I will have to look for those long list stupid agencies. I want someone qualified and grown up not those excuse me miss. My son is extremely happy, but how do i chase those nightmares away, his been struggling to sleep.
The drive to work feels long, thank the stars traffic is not horrific today. I look at Gerald on the passenger seat whos looking at his new Nike takkies. Maybe he doesn't like them.

My office looks extremely clean and refreshing, it smells….i don't know somehow different, womanly that's how i could discribe it. My table is empty, where are my fucken documents. I'm fuming in anger.

"EMILY!" I shout her name from the intercom for everyone to hear how mad i am. I don't have time to dial her station number telephone. I see her shapeless thin body running to my office. Why does she run, she looks like she's going to break.

"You called for me sir" she's panting and panicking.

"WHERE ARE MY FUCKEN DOCUMENTS?" I scream at her. My patience is zero .

"I….i don't know sir." She's in the verge of crying. I sigh and try to calm myself down, even Gerald Jnr was scared of this monster infront of him.

"Who's been cleaning my office. I thought i instructed all the cleaners that this new girl is the one responsible for it." I'm more calmer now.

"The new girl, she's been cleaning your office sir." Oh this athletic runner didn't just ruin my office. Did she run over my documents too.

"GET HER FOR ME THIS MINUTE." My voice is high making other workers shiver in shock. I look at Emily running her thin legs out of my office. They way she's running its like she's running ontop of a jumming castle.

"Good morning." What's good about it. I look at her, rather feeling defeated.

"Where are my documents? Just because you clean my office it does not mean you are entitled to it." I tell her.

"I said good morning." This girl is seriously getting on my last nerves.

"I asked you a question. Look girly i got no time to play. WHERE ARE MY FUCKEN DOCUMENTS?" Maybe if i scream at her she will see how mad i am. Great and this fucken Emily ran away she didn't come back.

She folds her arms and looks straight at me in the eyes, "first things first My name is Precious MaWeapons not girly. Secondly greeting another human being will not kill you and last but not least, let this be the last time you spoke profanity infront of a child." Is she telling Hendry Lucas what to do. This is hilariously fucken unbelievable.

"I'm sorry Miss P. Good morning t……" she cut me short before i even continued fucken greeting her back.

"Save it, your documents are on your top right shelf. Make a mess and i will deal with you." With that said she walked out leaving me in shock. Why did i hire her again, ow i said i want someone who will challenge. I think i hired a she devil herself.

I'm impressed every file was placed neatly and alphabetically. Man where did she get all the time to do this. My table was a total dust bin and this new arrangement is totally making my work much more easier.
I've been working for far too long forgetting that i came with Gerald Jnr, poor child must me starving. I searched every corner of my office Gerald Jnr is no where to be found. I go out the corridors searching for him but nothing. Fear creeped in, what if Eliza his mother stole him?

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