CHAPTER 17- Distant

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I can't seem to shake the feeling I have felt the day I heard his sweet voice and offering it to someone else. It bothered me so much even though I know that it's none of my business. This situation and the emotions I'm feeling towards my client is definitely a no-go. However, my heart is telling me otherwise. If I don't do something about it, I know I'll suffer deeper consequences I don't want to put myself into.

I did see his concert the day after I was at his rehearsals. It would be mean and disrespectful if I don't get to see his magic live, up close and personal. I was also given the privilege to watch at the left side wing of the stage, and he steals glances and throws some winks every time he turns to the side I'm on. I can't help but blush but I do not intend on letting him see it. He's busy rocking the stage so I'm positive that he didn't notice.

For the last night that I'm with him, I decided to wear my mask again; the mask I used to wear when I first met him and the mask I took off when I had let my guard down. After this day and after I leave, I know that I needed to keep things as professional as they should've been in the first place. Having this kind of feeling for a man like him may have been a mistake.

I slipped a note under his door that night and I gather my things and drive to the airport. Steven kindly offered me a ride and I accepted. While in the car, I instructed Steven to give the plans to Michael after he wakes up. I bought a plane ticket back to California to start a new day without thinking of this stupid and pathetic infatuation I'm feeling. I just hope that he doesn't take it the wrong way. He's a smart man, I think he can figure it out himself.

I cannot completely ignore him though. We still have a contract binding my affiliation to him and offer him my services as stated in the agreement. I just need to strategize on how and when I should call him and meet with him, but only on important business matters.

I'm walking around the property of the Jones', doing my regular site visit to see if everything is going as plan. It's been two weeks since those events transpired and I haven't heard from him since. I know he's still busy with the tour so I just sent the updates of his home to his lawyer. I sighed deeply as I felt my breath shorten. Jaz is on the opposite side of the property, also inspecting the progress and doing quality and quantity control of the materials.

"Amelia!" a voice shouted from a distance. As I turn around I see Peggy approaching, coming out of her car.

"Hi, Peggy! I didn't expect you to be here," I said as we both kissed cheek to cheek.

"I have a meeting I'm attending later. I heard from Quincy that you'll be here so I stopped by 'cause it's on the way."

"Where's Mr. Jones by the way?" I politely asked.

"He's with Michael discussing some business things since he's in town for his break. They've been on the phone for weeks now so I guess it's something important." My body froze as I heard his name. I didn't know that he's in town. Not that I need to know. I just hope I don't run into him.

"Oh really?" I replied. We started walking around the property, eyeing the people working on their home.

"Yeah. How's the project with Michael by the way? I really put in a good word for you." She nudged me and winked. I just slightly laughed and smile, feeling kind of awkward because of the situation I'm in.

"We're doing things as scheduled. We're preparing for the construction of his home may be around next week. He wants it done immediately"

"Yeah, he does have a tendency to rush things that are important to him. Knowing Michael, he's not the kind of man to just sit still and wait," I just hummed in response. I pondered for a second on what Peggy just said. Maybe this is for the best, the faster this work will be through, the easier it is for me to stay distant.

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