CHAPTER 30- I Can't Make You

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The past three days went by pretty quickly and I am thankful that I get to spend some quality time with my mother. For the time being that I was beside her, I saw her eyes shine even if her frail state is hindering her from moving. But nonetheless, I am happy that she's getting her energy back, even if it's just baby steps.

I also got to rest peacefully and finally got to clear some of the stress, questions, and doubts, even though I have to snap back into reality eventually. I needed that recharge, in order for me to make better decisions that I'll make after I leave my home.

And here I am pacing in my apartment frantically, as piles of documents and plans are stretched out all over my table and on the floor. I am just a week away from finishing The Jones' residence and it has to be perfect for their anniversary. I have never felt this amount of pressure and stress at the same time, knowing that I need to finish a project in a short amount of time which is almost impossible. Not to mention the other projects I'm handling, like Michael's home and Karen's renovation.

I am confident of the construction of Michael's home, even though the time frame is also tight. If we stick to the plan, everything can be finished in more or less six months. But the Jones', I'm not quite sure.

I scanned through every plan, making sure that everything was well-drawn and written so the workers can follow it with ease. I felt my stomach growl and I glance at the wall clock that displayed ten in the evening. I haven't had a decent meal today since all I drank is coffee and some chips.

This lifestyle is going to kill me.

I rummage my refrigerator and found nothing. I opened every cupboard and only found collected dust and expired canned goods.

I exhaled heavily, knowing that I may eat nothing tonight and drink another cup of coffee again to hide the hunger. I don't feel like driving out to get food since it's late and I have no time to waste. I gave up looking and fixed myself another cup of caffeine. I was busy doing that when a knock from my front door filled the room.

Weird, I'm not expecting any visitors.

I'm scared to open the door because God knows who's knocking late at night. Even if the knock just lasted for three seconds, I still waited for a couple of minutes before opening the door. Minutes have passed, I gathered my courage to open it with caution. I swing it a little bit to take a peek outside and I saw no one. I fully opened it and searched for any human form but there's none. Instead, a paper bag was sitting at my doorstep.

I picked it up, curious about what's inside. As it nears me, I got a whiff of a mouthwatering smell that's very familiar.

I took it inside and place it on the counter, eager to open them and see if my guess is right. It was confirmed when I saw food from KFC encased in their famous red and white packaging. A note was sitting on top of the stacked napkins inside.

I noticed that you have a habit of forgetting to eat when you're busy. Please eat and don't forget to rest.

One person came to my mind when my eyes read that note, and I'm certain that I'm correct. Even though there's a possibility that Jazmine could've brought it too, but she will call me first if she's going to come over. There's no name or initials on the note so I guess there's no way of finding out.

I set the note aside and took out the contents of the bag. I quickly open the packaging and started to eat to my heart's content.


After having that heavenly meal, I rested for a few minutes and cleaned the mess I made in the kitchen. I made my way to the living room and plopped onto the sofa as I rest my head on the backrest and stared at the ceiling.

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