CHAPTER 34- Ethereal

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(a/n: play the track for this chapter)


"Did Stevie take my request?" I whispered to Bill as he approached me with an answer.

"He did, Joker. He's performing after James and Patti," he replied to me and stood in front of me.

I hid behind the pillar because I didn't want Mia to see me, but I know that she has a clue somehow. I see her standing on the opposite side together with Jazmine and Mr. Cohen. He noticed Bill earlier so I'm guessing that she has some questions running through her head.

He noticed Bill again just now and her eyes landed on me. I slightly panicked and hid deeply behind the pillars. It's a good thing the area is dim, that way she won't even recognize that I'm here. She exited from where she was standing but she was stopped by Jaz. She let her go eventually and went inside.

After James and Patti's performance, Stevie was presented to be the next performer of the night. I requested a song from him that would be fitting for Quincy and Peggy, but also fitting in professing my feelings for Mia.

I clutched the velvet box that Jaz handed me earlier this night. She helped me pick out a necklace Mia would've love and picked it up for me at the jewelry store earlier since I can't go or it will be on the news the minute I leave the store.

My eyes followed her as she entered the living room but stopped in her tracks to turn around. Her eyes bore into my soul as she stared at me looking lost yet trying to find something. Her beauty radiates from across the room that she completely took my breath away. I knew that red dress would fit her beautifully.

When she couldn't make out who she was staring at, she decided to leave and entered the side garden. Jazmine was kind enough to give me a background on the layout of the house so I kind of know where to go in case she went on hiding. And I felt like she wanted to be alone since nobody is going to the side garden because everyone is in the backyard enjoying the night.

I took the opportunity to follow her so we would get a little privacy while everyone is distracted. Stevie already sat in front of the piano and started playing melodic notes that serenaded everyone's heart.

There is nobody else around but Mia and me. Some lights are turned off in the living room, giving emphasis to her radiating beauty as she stands there with her eyes closed and taking in the perfect ambiance Stevie's music created. I looked at her in awe as she gracefully stood there and felt lucky to at least have the chance to meet someone like her.

There are still plenty of unanswered questions in my mind, but all of that will be set aside for now because my end goal tonight is to let her know how much I care for her, and I can't let another day go by without telling her so. I admit I am shy and timid when it comes to situations like this. But it will be another missed opportunity that I couldn't risk because I have never felt this kind of feeling towards someone before, not even Brooke.

I inhaled deeply and braced myself to fight for the love that I think we both deserve.



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