Chapter 6 Extra: The Team Picture

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"You know, Sakura, you don't have to look perfect for this picture."
"No, Sōma! You'll never understand, you're a boy!" Sakura was trying to fix her hair up in the mirror before Team 6 & 7 took their team pictures.
"I'm a girl and I'm not that crazy over it," Rizaki deadpanned.
"Shut it Rizaki! You only hang out with boys, so it's the same thing!"
"It's actually not," Sasumi said, rolling her eyes. "But okay."
"Can't you two cut me a break?!"
"Are you guys ready or what?!" Naruto whined, leaning against the wall.
"Now now Naruto," Kakashi tried calming him. "We still have a few minutes before the cameraman calls us."
"Sakura has been looking at that mirror for more than ten minutes though!"
"SHUT UP NARUTO I'M ALMOST DONE!" Sakura fixed her headband a little before setting her hands down. "See? Done!"
"You look exactly the same as before," Sōma grumbled, gaining a glare from his sister.
"Alright everyone!" The cameraman walked over. "We'll do a picture with all of you first and then separate you by your teams." The others nodded and met up with Naruto, who stood up excitedly.
"Okay, how are we supposed to be posed like? Fancy? Cross-legged? Epically cool?"
"You guys can do whatever pose you want, as long as it's appropriate. Are you all ready?" Kezuka nodded and gave him thumbs up. "Alright, get together."
They began shuffling around, but by the places they were in, it would actually seem like a cute picture. Kakashi and Kezuka stood behind the boys (in the order of Sasuke, Sōma and Naruto), who were behind the girls (in the order of Sasumi, Sakura and Rizaki). The girls had to squat a bit but it would be fine. Right?
"Alright, I'm starting the countdown now," the cameraman announced. "5..."
"This will be the best team picture ever!" Rizaki chirped. Sasuke rolled his eyes.
"Sure, as long as you and Naruto don't ruin it."
"What was that Sasuke?!" Naruto growled.
"You must have gone deaf," Sasumi said with a shrug. "Then again, with how much you yell I'm not surprised."
"SON OF A—!"
"Say 'cheese'!"


"See?" Sasuke had to make sure to hold back his laugh so he could keep his reputation. The others had just finished their separate team pictures. "Told you the two would would mess up." Naruto growled at him again.
"YOU'RE the one who taunted me, you bastard!"
"Yeah, you taunted us both!" Rizaki then pointed to Sasuke's sister. "And don't think you can get away with your snarky remark! Apologize to us!"
"Hmm, let me think..." Sasumi had a fake thoughtful look on her face, before it became emotionless. "No." Naruto's eye twitched as smoke comically flowed out of Rizaki's ears.
"When were you ever respectful towards anyone?" The female Uchiha asked while crossing her arms.
"WHEN WERE YOU EVER NICE TO PEOPLE?!" The Hatakes and Harunos all sighed at the arguing.
This is going to be a long few years, the senseis thought with a sweatdrop.


"You sure you're okay with these?" Sōma asked Sakura. "I'm sure we could ask the dude to have us take another one."

The two were in Sakura's room as she set two pictures on her desk; The picture of Team 7 and the picture of them and Team 6. In the Team 7 picture, the only ones who seemed happy in the picture were Sakura and Kakashi. Naruto was glaring at Sasuke while gritting his teeth, who seemed to not give a crap and just wanted out.

She also had the Team 6 picture, which looked almost the same, except Rizaki and Sasumi were facing each other, and you could literally see the sparks between the two.
If that didn't seem a bit chaotic, the one with both Team 6 & 7 as a whole most likely took the jackpot. It looked like Naruto was glaring at Sōma, though really it was at Sasuke, who just gave him an unamused look. The same thing happened with the girls, except Sasumi looked like she was rolling her eyes and Rizaki was holding up her fist like she was ready to fight.
It seemed like the Harunos and the Hatakes were the most normal; Sōma had his arms around Naruto and Sasuke while Sakura had a giddy look on her face, seeming to be oblivious of what's going on. Kezuka had her hands on Naruto and Sōma's shoulders while Kakashi had his hands on Sasuke and Sōma's heads. They were definitely sweatdropping.

"No worries, it's fine!" Sakura chirped. Besides, a couple of chaotic pictures isn't that bad, right?...Scratch that, it's probably pretty bad. But I can say they're acceptable.

802 words

Yeah, it's not as much as normal chapters, but hey. It's something.

I wanted to bring up when they take the pictures because, like in the series, it pops up over and over again and will be important as the story goes on.

But the fact I find the quarrels to be hilarious I-

But anyways, comment! Vote! Feedback! Stalk! WhAtEvEr.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! <3

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