Chapter 25

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"Naruto!" Rizaki exclaimed, jumping on the said boy's bed while holding a piece of toast. "If you don't get up I'm hitting you with an old burnt piece of toast I found on your floor, maji!" She had woken up half an hour ago and decided to visit Naruto and be his alarm clock. As much as she believed she would be late, she knew her sensei would be hours later.

"OOF! Okay, okay...!" He closed his eyes again, before they shot open and he sat up. "Wait, is that the toast from last week?!" He snatched the toast and his face turned a bit blue at the nasty sight. "I was looking for that...!"


"Aha! I won this time!" The Harunos and Uchihas all turned to the duo as they ran to the small bridge.

"What did you win, exactly?" Sōma asked, a small drop of sweat forming on his head. Naruto smirked.

"I raced Rizaki again and won!" He replied proudly. "My prize is free ramen, and she's gonna be delivering it too!" The said girl mumbled something about 'cheating bastards' before looking at Sasumi. Sasumi stared back at her, and almost immediately the two faced their backs towards each other with a huff. Naruto and Sasuke did the same thing.

This is a lot different than it was yesterday, Sakura thought, she and her brother watching awkwardly between the four. It's like the moments on the bridge never even happened!

A few hours later, when everyone was just standing there with a bored look on their faces, two familiar figures hopped up onto the bridge.

"Sorry about that guys," Kezuka apologized with a close-eyed smile. It definitely didn't sound like she was sorry though.

"YOU AREN'T SORRY!" Rizaki and Sōma yelled dramatically while pointing fingers at the two adults.

"But we were just walking on the path of life and got lost," Kakashi added in a relaxed tone.

"EXCUSES!" Naruto and Sakura shouted.

"I'm ready for my next mission, sensei!" Naruto commented after with determination. "And none of that little beginners stuff, okay? I want a chance to prove myself! I'm talking about a real mission where I can show what I'm made of!"

"Yeah, I mean he has fire in his eyes right now," Rizaki said with a bead of sweat as there was a burning fire of determination that reflected in Naruto's sky-blue eyes. "Look, he's serious! Maji!"

Kakashi rubbed the back of his head. "Uh, right," he replied, slowly putting his hands up defensively. "That's great, Naruto. Now take it easy, will ya?" The said boy took a quick glare at Sasuke. Seemed like he was thinking about something, but Rizaki wasn't going to question it further.

"I guess when he's done daydreaming," Kezuka sighed. "We can start the missions."



"Naruto...I don't think you should pull them all out so carelessly!"

The two teams had to pull out some weeds for a lady in the back, and Naruto was ripping out anything that seemed to be sticking out of the soil.

"Rizaki, there's no need to worry so much!" Naruto tried reassuring her. "Besides, I gotta beat Sasuke, and I'll do that by finishing this before him!"

"Which is understandable, because I gotta beat the hell out of Sasumi." The emerald-eyed girl pointed to the weeds. "But look. These are weeds, right?"

"Yeah?" She then pointed to the plants in his hand.

"Those, my dear friend, are the herbs."

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