Chapter 20

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"You know how in those stories the hero usually shows up at the last minute and then kicks butt? Well, that's what I'm gonna do right now! Believe it!" Naruto made his handsign. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

"No Naruto, move!" Kakashi called to him, noticing Zabuza throw shurikens at him. Just then, a few needles blocked the attack, making both that and the shurikens fall to the ground.

"Naruto, Rizaki, are you both crazy?!" Sakura yelled at them.

"I didn't do anything!" The Kiotori gaped.

"Look, this is a battle!" Kezuka scolded. "Not a talent show! Don't let your opponent see your Jutsu! The Shinobi's art is deception. Always keep the enemy guessing. Even when executing a single Jutsu, one must detract their opponent's attention, catch them off balance, and outmaneuver them."

"You turned yourselves into human targets entering a battle like that!" Kakashi added.

     "We're sorry!!" Naruto flailed, ruffling his hair in frustration. "We were just trying to save everyone!"

"But there's another mystery here..." Kakashi turned to Haku.

"Haku, what are you doing?" Zabuza growled.

"Zabuza, these two...let me battle them my own way," Haku persuaded. "Please."

"Bring it on!" The blond yelled.

"Hm," Zabuza grumbled. "So you want me to leave this to you, is that it Haku? As usual, you're too soft."

"Forgive me," Haku replied, not moving.

"Look man, you better put this ice stuff down!" Rizaki yelled. "If you don't, I'm gonna rip that mask right off your face and force you to myself!! Maji!!"

"Don't even think about it, brats," Zabuza said, grinning through his mask. "You know the score, Kakashi. Kezuka. If you go after Haku, I go after the bridge builder." Kezuka tensed a little but her eyes narrowed. "Relax, Kezuka. Sit back and enjoy the show. Let's see how they do; two-on-one."

"That mask and your bogus story!" Naruto exclaimed angrily. "You were with Zabuza all along! You think you could get away with a stunt like that?!"

"I'm sorry," Haku apologized. "But as your sensei said, deceiving your opponent, catching them off guard; that is the art of the Shinobi. Please don't take it personally." Sasuke, sitting up, throws a kunai at Haku from behind, thinking he was distracted. But the tracker imposter dodged it. "I haven't forgotten about you, not even for an instant."

"Sasuke?!" Naruto and Rizaki yelled in surprise.

"Some warriors accept defeat gracefully. They know when they are beaten. Others do not. So be it. Let us finish our battle then; to the death!" He hopped back in through the ice, readying to fight Sasuke again.

"Wha—HEY!" Rizaki yelled with a glare. "Where do you think you're going, coward?!"

"It's all right, Rizaki. I'll fight you and Naruto after." Sasuke shakily stood up, grabbing another kunai. He looked around, noticing Haku wasn't in any of them like last time.

"I'm behind you."

He transported himself in an instant! Sasuke thought, jumping back as Haku went into another mirror. Dammit! He groaned in pain as more needles came at him.

"Sasuke!" Naruto called out.

"Sasuke, Naruto, Rizaki, think!" Kakashi called out. "You need to attack from the outside from the inside at the same time!" He didn't see the duo anywhere, so he just assumed they understood what he was saying.

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