Chapter 7

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"Okay..." Rizaki groaned as she walked around the village. "Where's the stupid cat?!"

"If you'd shut up," Sasumi grumbled. "Maybe we'll find it quicker!"

"Says you!"





"GUYS!" Sōma hissed. "Not the time!"

Team 6 & 7 were going on their first mission, a D-Rank mission. They were using intercoms so they could talk to each other from certain distances (and luckily, at the moment, they were mute, because the chaos would be ten times worse).

Well, Rizaki thought. I never thought our first mission would be trying to catch a cat. I kinda expected, oh I dunno...TOP-TIER SECRET MISSION FOR GENIN?

"Guys!" Everyone heard a voice through the intercom. "I got her-ttebayo! Can we—? OW! OW OW OW OW! BAD KITTY!!" The squads had to pull away from the intercom from the yelling, at least until Naruto calmed down.

"...Alright," Kakashi's voice was a bit hesitant through the intercom, and even without seeing his face it seemed like he was sweatdropping. "Let's get to the Hokage before Naruto gets maimed."


"Ohh! My poor little Tora!~ Mommy was so worried for you, my little fuzzy-cuns!~"

The team just brought the cat back to its owner, and in their opinions, it might have been better off left in the wild. It looked miserable being squished in that hug.

"No wonder it left," Sōma mumbled under his breath. "Kinda feel bad now..."

"Haha!" Naruto laughed victoriously as Rizaki was patching up the scratches and cuts he got with bandaids. "Stupid cat, the thing deserves to be squished!" The girl jabbed his injured arm with a scolding look as he winced. "Oi! What, dattebayo?"

Once the cat and owner left, Hiruzen looked down at the papers. "Alright, for both teams, I have a few tasks for each of you to do." He read off the missions for them to do. "Babysitting the chief counselor's 3 year-old, helping his wife with shopping, picking up potatoes—"

"Nonono, nooo!" Naruto cut him off yelling and making an 'X' with his arms. "I wanna go on a real mission! Something challenging and exciting! Not this little kids stuff! Come on, old man!!"

"How dare you?!" Iruka, who was beside the Hokage, scolded. "You're just a regular Genin with no experience! Like everyone else, you start with simple missions to develop your skills and prove yourself!"

"Look," Rizaki started, inhaling a huge amount of air to keep down her frustration. "These are not missions. This is literally like community service, maji! What do you want us to—?!" She was cut off by Kezuka whacking the back of her head, Kakashi doing the same to Naruto. "OI! Senseiii!"

"Would you two put a lid on it?" Kakashi scolded.

"Naruto! Rizaki!" The duo turned to look at Hiruzen. "It seems you two do not understand the tasks you have been given. Listen, many different kinds of requests come into our village everyday, from babysitting to assassination. These requests are carefully recorded and analyzed, then ranked as A, B, C or D depending on the difficulty..." the blunette turned her head to her teammates, not really in the mood to listen to the elder's lecture.

"So," she whispered. "Do does anyone want to go for some rice balls later? Or, like, ramen? I was originally thinking of going to Ichiraku for the ramen first and then going to Sunakuu for the rice balls."

"Did you ever try the two together?" Sōma suggested. "I heard it was good when you dipped it in ramen."

"" She turned to Naruto. "Can we try it? Please please please?"

"Okay!" He nodded. "But uh...can we have Miso Ramen?"

"We just had that yesterday, no we aren't—"

"Silence!" The third Hokage raised his voice to get everyone's attention.

"Sorry," Kakashi and Kezuka apologized in unison, making the old man sweatdrop.

"Bwah!" Naruto crossed his arms and turned his back to him like a toddler. "You always lecture me like you're my grandfather or something! But I'm not a little brat who pulls pranks all the time! I'm a ninja now, and I wanna go on a ninja mission!"

"Yeah, can you at least bump it up a little?" Rizaki pleaded. "Please—I can't deal with crying babies anymore!"

Hiruzen began laughing, which made the others a bit uncomfortable. "So you two want to show that you're not brats, but former, and want to go on a real mission? I'll tell you what; since you two are so determined, I'm going to give you guys a C-Ranked mission. You'll be bodyguards on a journey."

Rizaki gasped and jumped up and down in excitement. "Ooooh, what are we protecting?! WHO are we protecting?! A counselor?! A princess?!" She gasped again and clasped her hands together. "No no, wait! It's another Kage, isnt there?!"

"Don't be so impatient, Kiotori, I'll bring him in now. Send in our client!" Everyone turned around, and the hyperactive duo was more than excited to see who would come out, but it eventually faded off their face when out came...a drunk old man.

"So..." Sakura started. "We're protecting this guy?"

"A guy who's drunk as hell," Sasumi specified with a dead look. "Yep."

"What the...a whole bunch of snot-nosed kidssss?..." the man sounded really drunk, and his breath didn't make it any better. "Hey you, the two short ones with the...stupid looks on your facessss..."

"Psh!" Naruto waved his hand dismissively with a confident smile. "Look, I doubt I'm one of the short ones!" Everyone then got into a line. It was in the order of Sasuke, Sōma, Sasumi, Sakura, Rizaki, and Naruto at the end, however Naruto was only half an inch shorter. The shortest ones in the group had their jaws drop before before they turned into a face of rage.

"I'LL TELL YOU WHO'S THE ONE WITH THE STUPID FACE!!" Rizaki yelled, about to pounce at the drunk man before Kezuka pulled her back by her pigtails. "OW!"

"I'LL DEMOLISH YOU!" Naruto added angrily, only for Kakashi to pull him by the collar. "Ack!" What is with people pulling me by the collar lately?!

"You two can't demolish our client," Kakashi sighed as the two struggled in their senseis' grips.

The old man drank more of his alcohol. "My Tazuna," he introduced sluggishly. "I need to my country. I'm building a bridge there that will change the world and I expect you to get me there safely, even if it means giving up your life."

You know, Rizaki thought as Kezuka let her go. I don't think crying babies would be too bad right now.

1113 words

Not me writing this chapter in class-
At least I'm being productive :D

Baka - Idiot
Kechi - Stingy

Yeahhhh Tazuna was introduced. Imma go now before my parents find out I'm on my phone during class-

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Hope you enjoyed the chapter! <3

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