Chapter 49

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I can't believe I'm up against her of all people, Oriko thought as he hesitantly made his way to the arena. Man, the dog-boy was bad before, and Hazo isn't even here...damn him for not telling me or Irito anything!!

"Any objections before we start?" Hayate asked as he chewed on the straw in his mouth.

"Nope," Sasumi said with a smirk. Oriko just shook his head.

"Alright, can begin when you're ready." Oriko pulled out his kunai, dashed at Sasumi and began to slash at her, who began back-flipping to dodge each one.

"Just get hurt!" He tried slashing once more, but the girl grabbed his arm and spun, low kicking him off balance as he fell.

"You really are weak—agh...!" Sasumi touched her neck where her Curse Mark stayed, and she grunted in annoyance. Damn! So when Sasuke felt it, it must have come out of nowhere. If I'm going to stay and watch the rest of these preliminaries I'll have to end this all as quickly as possible.

She jumped on top of him and was about to knock him out with a punch when an ear-piercing sound was heard from his hand. "AH!" She exclaimed as she covered her ears. "The hell?!"

"They call us 'Sound Ninja' for a reason," Oriko said with a smirk as he kicked Sasumi off him. "Now I'll just finish you off. Since you're just a little girl, I'll make it quick and painless." He pulled out a skinny metal tube out of his pouch and placed it on top of his hand, where there seemed to be a hole in it.

"What is he about to do?" Sakura asked worriedly.

"It's kind of like science," Kezuka started. "Sound waves are all around, right? I might be wrong, but if the sound waves have a limited amount of space it can only go in one direction; through the tube."

"I have a bad feeling there's more to it," Sōma said nervously. Kezuka nodded.

"Yes. Although the sound waves go through the pipe, it still will come out blasting. Not only that, the tube will most likely vibrate due to how hollow it is. If it still vibrates and she gets hit afterwards..."

"It'll be like she got hit with it multiple times?" Rizaki finished. Her sensei nodded again. "Whoa..."

"Doesn't sound waves go everywhere?" Sakura asked. "He would be affecting everyone in the arena!"

"That, my dear teammate, is why chakra exists."


"Well we better hope she dodged it, at least." Kezuka sweated a little. "It would be a bit bad if she was distracted by the sounds and gets hit."

"'A bit'?!" Naruto repeated with a annoyed vein visibly appearing. "Isn't that UNDERESTIMATING it 'a bit'?!"

"Sound Style," Oriko began. "Pipe-Conducting Jutsu!" A sound burst through the pipe, and Sasumi rolled to the side, still covering her ears. The outcome ended up with the wall behind her being dented.

Holy crap, Sasumi thought. Gotta keep away from that Jutsu. She shot shurikens at him, but the male blasted more sound, the wind of it shooting back at her. She ducked. I know I can't use the Sharingan because of the Curse that's a no-no. She ran in and kicked the air out of Oriko, who fell to the ground. She then pinned him down with her legs.

"What are you going to do?" Oriko asked with a smirk. "Cut me with a kunai or something?" His smirk quickly disappeared and it reappeared on Sasumi's face.

"No, but maybe I could blow them off for you." She pulled out leftover paper bombs she had in her pouch, two left. "It would be a real shame if you couldn't ever be able to use your hands ever again."

Wow, Kankuro thought, who was on the other side of the second floor with his team. I mean, she could just be bluffing, but I wouldn't take the chance when she has the actual material ready.

"DO IT SASUMI!" Rizaki encouraged. "BLOW THEM—MFFFF!" She was cut off as Sōma covered her mouth and told her to hush.

"Okay okay okay!" Oriko exclaimed. "I surrender! Don't blow them off, please!"

"He has no dignity for himself," a bandaged Sound Ninja grumbled from the upper floor as he shook his head. "Guess he's dying early..."

Sasumi looked up at Hayate. "Well?" She questioned. Hayate coughed for a minute before speaking.

"Right. Oriko Makine, you forfeit the match?" Oriko whimpered and nodded quickly. "Alright. You can go to the infirmary if you'd like. The official winner of this match is Sasumi Uchiha." The girl sighed and got off her opponent, who quickly vanished.

"Wimp," Sasumi mumbled. "I can never get a satisfying fight, now can I?"

"Kechi!" She looked up to see Rizaki wave down at her. "Stupid, you won out of luck!"

"It won't be when I go against you," she retorted with a smirk, making the blunette choke on her spit. "I'll beat you with just skill."

"Ack! D-Don't surprise me like that, you dingus!" Kezuka hopped down to the first floor and rested a hand on Sasumi's shoulder.

"I want you to come with me for a while." Sasumi deadpanned at her.

"It's the Curse Mark, isn't it?"

"Yep! Come on." She gave the proctor a mock salute before disappearing in leaves with the female Uchiha.

"Did they have to steal both Uchihas?" Lee asked with a sweatdrop. Naruto nodded in agreement but laughed.

"Yeah, too bad they'll miss out on all the epic fights!" Sōma turned to look at the board.


"Guys, look!" Sōma pointed to the board. Sakura looked down at the arena and flinched at who Shino was going against. His arms were both in an arm sling.

"That was one of the ninjas we had to fight to get the Earth Scroll," Sakura whispered to her brother, who made an 'o' with his mouth. "Sasuke kind of...broke his arms."

"Hm, Sasumi did the same thing to another ninja...guess great minds think alike."

"Naruto and Rizaki are the same way and they aren't all that great of using their minds..."

"Yeah Shino!" Rizaki cheered. "Get 'em!" She sighed as she leaned against the railing. "Bugs are cool..." Naruto snickered at her, causing her to glare in return. "What?!"

"You think bugs are cool?"

"Yeah! What's so funny?!"

"You didn't say that when you saw that centipede." The blond ended up laughing. The blunette shoved his shoulder playfully.

"It was oversized! Nobody wants to see that! Small bugs and humongous ones twice our size are two very different things!" Lee leaned against the railing.

"I think it's youthful of you to think that way about nature!" He complimented with hearts in his eyes. Rizaki sweatdropped. She still wasn't used to this yet. She honestly didn't think she ever would.

"Thanks, Lee!"

1161 words

I am TIREDDDDDDD. 11:01 PM exactly as I type this. Clock ticks.

But the pipe thing sounded a lot better in my head. And since I remembered that sound waves were legit EVERYWHERE and would just spread like a disease I just used the ol' Chakra excuse and use it as a way to keep it under control in one direction, hence the name "Pipe-Conducting Jutsu"

I should be hired.

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter! <3

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