Chapter 55

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"That fight sure was...interesting." Rizaki shuddered a little, having since been released from Kezuka's hold. I seriously thought Kankuro's neck broke. Oh well... The screen began to shuffle names again.


"Guess it's my time to go!" TenTen said with a smirk as she hopped over the railing.

Well, now we know that the blonde's name is Temari, Sōma thought, seeing the girl he saw during the beginning of the Chunin Exams hop down to the first floor.

"So that's another Genin from the Sand Village," Neji commented quietly to himself.

"Yeah TenTen!" Lee cheered. "Woo! Use the power of youth!"

"Nice Lee, let's hear that support!" Guy praised as he began cheering as well. "You can do it, TenTen!" The brunette couldn't help but deadpan at her team.

Why do Neji and I have to put up with them? She thought with a sigh. Hayate looked at them both.

"For the seventh match, TenTen, Temari, get ready."

"The two other battles with the girls before have really pumped me up!" TenTen said with a smirk.

"Alright, TenTen!" Lee yelled. "Keep her guessing!"

"Go for it!" Guy added. "You've got the power of youth!"

"Come on TenTen! Send that girl back to her village on a stretcher! We're right behind you all the way TenTen!"

"Let's hear it! Two, four, six, eight! Who do we appreciate?! TenTen! TenTen!" Both Rizaki and Naruto covered their ears at the cheering.

"Ugh!" Naruto groaned. "How'd we get stuck in the cheering section?!"

"There's only one thing to do to keep the peace." Rizaki threateningly held up her stick and suddenly all the remaining people of Team Combo had to hold her back from whacking the loud student and sensei. "I'LL MAKE SURE THEY SHUT UP—!"

"What are you waiting for?" Hayate asked. "I said you two can start." Temari scoffed in amusement.

"Ha, guess she's waiting for me to make a move," she said. "Big mistake, because that first move I make will be the last you see." As she stepped forward TenTen stepped back. "Come on, I don't want this match to go on too quickly, so why don't you go first? Come on, girl. Show me whatcha got."

"Okay!" TenTen said, tempted. "If you insist. But remember, you asked for it!" She jumped up into the air and threw shurikens at her, but Temari speedily dodged it. When the shurikens hit the floor, TenTen's eyes widened. "I missed her?! There's no way!"

"What was that?" Temari asked sarcastically. "A warm-up exercise? Or maybe you're a little nervous and it messed up your aim. Was that it? Rats, I was hoping I would at least work up a sweat. But forget that idea if this is the best that you got."

"What is going on?!" Lee exclaimed. "How could she have missed?! This is incredible!"

"It's impossible," Guy said, his face serious. "TenTen's aim is perfect. She always hits her mark."

"Not this time she didn't," Neji said bluntly.

"She never misses. There must be something that made her miss." Lee looked up at his sensei in surprise.

"Man this is embarrassing," Shikamaru said lazily, resting his cheek in his hand. "The Sand Village wins again."

"What are you talking about?" Naruto asked. "The match just started!"

"It's over."

"Can you give us more than two words?" Rizaki asked.

"Okay. It is over."

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