Chapter 32

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"Here's the tenth and final question. But before I give it to you, there are a bit more rules you need to be aware of." Kankuro just walked in as he said that. "Oh, good. I hope you found your trip to the bathroom to be enlightening." The boy just walked up the aisle and towards his seat, but Sasuke noticed him give something to the blond girl with the four short pigtails that they saw earlier last week.

He seems suspicious, Sasuke thought. It's obvious he didn't go to the bathroom just to do his business...

"Very well," Ibiki crossed his arms with a content look. "Rule number one; each of you is free to not be given the final question." Everyone's eyes widened in surprise.

So they didn't have to do it? Sōma thought, narrowing his eyes. There must be a catch to it.

"Hold on, there's probably a catch, isn't there?" The girl who interacted with Kankuro asked. "Let's say we don't want to do the final question. What happens then?"

"If you choose not to take the tenth question, regardless of the answers you got on your test, it's a zero. You will automatically fail, as well as your teammates." The Genins all got into panic mode as they began whispering to each other. "Not so fast, you didn't let me finish!" Silence. "If you do accept doing the final question yet answer it incorrectly, then not only will you fail, but you will be banned from taking the Chunin Exam ever again!" Everyone's jaws dropped in shock.

"Hey!" Kiba exclaimed. "That's a lot of bull, man! What kind of bogus rule is that?! There's a lot of people who have taken the test before!!" Ibiki began to laugh.

"I guess you're just unlucky! I wasn't making the rules, but I am now!" He laughed slightly harder. "Of course, if you don't take it, you don't have to. There's always next year!"

So what the hell is the point if we're just going to fail either way?! Rizaki thought with frustration. Stupid Scar-Man!

"I'm out." Everyone turned to see one ninja raising his hand. "That's it. I'm out. I just can't do it...I'm sorry."

"Number 50; failed! Number 130 and 110; you're out too."

"Gennai, Inaho...I'm sorry guys..."

"That's it," another random ninja said. "I quit."

"Me too, sir. I'm out."

"Me too." Multiple people were dropping out, and now Sasumi was growing slightly concerned. There are a lot of people quitting...crud, the others better not be thinking about it.

Rizaki's left ear twitched as the corner of her eye noticed somebody's hand slowly go up. Naruto?! Oh, that bastard! I might live up to that swear!

WHAT IS HE DOING?! Inner Sakura screeched. WHAT. IS. THIS. IDIOT. DOING?!

Just then, Naruto slammed his hand on the table. "Don't underestimate me!" He yelled. "I don't quit and I don't run! You can act all tough you want. You guys aren't going to scare me way! I don't care if I'm stuck as a Genin for the rest of my life! I WILL be Hokage someday!" Sakura sighed in relief while Rizaki literally melted into a puddle of mixed emotions on the bench.

"Are you okay?" Shino questioned quietly, though still looking straight ahead. Rizaki slowly gave a thumbs up.

"Never...better." She rose back up in her seat with hellfire burning behind her eyes. That stupid idiot! Imma kill him one day, I'm sure of it!

"This decision is one that will change your life," Ibiki warned. "For any reason you want to quit, now's your chance."

"Well, I'm sure we're going to be making multiple life-changing decisions, am I right?" Everyone turned to look at Rizaki, who was grinning with determination. "There's no choice in that matter. So sorry, but I'm not backing out on this one, and Whiskers did say he was staying." Naruto pouted up at her while she just stuck her tongue out. The boy then turned to look at the instructor.

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