Chapter 52

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Sakura made a few hand signs and two clones appeared. Ino scoffed in amusement.

"This isn't some Ninja Academy Graduation Exam," she commented. "Do you really think you can beat me with basic art like that?" Sakura didn't say anything, her hands close to her face as she focused on her chakra. Then she and her clones dashed at Ino, and before they poofed away she landed a punch on her.

"I'm not some crybaby anymore," Sakura said with a smirk as Ino grunted from the impact. "You play with fire, you're going to get burned. Let's see you're best, Ino!"

"It's not like I needed your invitation, you know. I'll give you my best, but you're not gonna like it!"

"You're doing awesome, Sakura!" Naruto cheered. "Believe it!"

"Powerful strikes using chakra," Kakashi said. "Top notch considering she's a rookie. I never thought Sakura would be this good."

"Hold up, you're not saying she's better than me, are you?!"

"Oh noooo, Naruto. You're the greatest." The blond scoffed at his sarcasm and looked back at the fight. "Sending chakra all throughout the body and using it in conjunction with a well-timed Jutsu? I don't think even Sasuke could have done better...well, even from the start she was extremely good at chakra control, so this isn't a surprise."

Sakura and Ino dashed at each other again, punching and kicking each other while blocking each other's attacks. Then they threw shurikens at each other, which cancelled each other out.

"Oh boy," Sōma sighed. This might be a while.


"This fight can not be this long!" Rizaki whined as she sat on the ground behind the railings.

"It's been going on longer than I thought it would," Sōma said with bored eyes. "They've been cancelling each other out for a while."

"It feels like it's been hours!"

"This isn't how this is supposed to go!!" Ino yelled as she kept trying to punch Sakura, who blocked all her attacks. "How are you evenly matched with me?!" Sakura giggled.

"I guess you're right Ino," she said. "Your obsession with your looks and hair can't be surpassed. I've been training too hard to worry about that." Rizaki deadpanned at that.

"She was just worrying about blow-drying her hair last week," she commented. "She's being hypo—oi!" She was cut off when she got whacked behind the head by Kezuka. "I was just saying, sensei!"

"You're going to pay for that!" Ino growled. "I've had enough of you making fun of me!"

"What an idiot," Shikamaru sighed. "Ino's falling for her trap. She's so riled up by Sakura there's no telling what she'd do."

"I don't like when she's like this," Choji mumbled with a worried look.

Ino pulled out a kunai. Before anyone could react she chopped more than half her ponytail. Everybody gasped.

"Damnnnn!" Rizaki stretched the curse word while covering her mouth.

"I never thought I'd see the day," Sōma said. "Ino cutting her long hair she cares about so much. Holy hell."

"Hm?" Sakura kept it up with her smirk, though she was a bit surprised herself. "You think that'll help?"

"That's it!!" The blonde girl threw the hair that was cut off at her with a frustrated roar.

"And to think she was scary before!" Naruto exclaimed, his remaining teammates nodding.

"Alright, I'm going to end this right now!" Ino yelled, putting her fingers together to form a circle. "Get ready, Billboard Brow!"

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