Chapter 13

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"Eat this!" Naruto and Rizaki yelled in unison, throwing kunais at Zabuza. He couldn't block this one, so he had to dodge, dropping the Water Prison Jutsu in the process and making Kakashi and Kezuka crash into the water. One kunai, Naruto's kunai, slashed right underneath the man's eye, just enough for him to bleed. He growled at the duo, glaring.

"I'll destroy you brats!" He shouted, spinning his own shuriken. Kakashi quickly recovered and stuck his hand in the shuriken, stopping it with the back of his hand. Both Naruto and Rizaki fell into the water with a splash, but quickly swam up to the surface and high-fived each other.

"That was awesome!" Naruto cheered, with his signature smile.

"It was your idea, not mine!" Rizaki grinned, taking a moment to wipe water out of her eyes. The boy just dismissed it with a wave of his hand and a bashful grin on his face.

"D'awww, stop it!...Actually, don't."

"That was an excellent plan, you two," Kakashi praised.

"Yeah, you two have really grown, haven't you?" Kezuka asked, giving a close-eyed smile. Rizaki shook her head.

"Nahh, it was all Naruto!" She turned to him with stars in her eyes, still grinning. "Explain some of it, then I'll do the rest!"

Do we really have the time for that? Sōma thought as he sweatdropped.
(Yes Sōma now shush)

"Well, I knew neither of us couldn't beat him with my shadow clones," Naruto started. "They were just a distraction! While he was fighting the clones, Rizaki and I turned into the Demon Wind Shuriken. He didn't know, believe it! We both used one of the clones to transform into the shuriken, and the Uchiha Twins knew it was us in a second! They spun around so nobody could see and pulled out their own shuriken." He glanced at Rizaki, gesturing for her to say the rest.

"Yeah, so two were the real ones and the other two were Naruto and I!" Rizaki continued. "We hid in the shadow of the real shurikens, and our target was the real Zabuza. I mean, we both knew we couldn't fight him ourselves, that was definitely not in the plan! We just had to get in there and break his Water Prison Jutsu. Not only that, we got his eye too! It was an epic bonus, maji!"

"Don't brag, you two just got lucky," Sasumi said with a roll of her eyes, but was still smirking.

"The whole thing was just a fluke!" Tazuna yelled out, but Naruto and Rizaki just stuck their tongues out at him. It was a whole plan they came up with, the only luck really being that they survived it.

"I got distracted and lost my grip on the water prison," Zabuza scoffed.

"Don't flatter yourself," Kakashi said. "You weren't distracted, you were forced to let go."

"Your technique worked on us once, but not again," Kezuka said with a glare, standing up over the shallow river that reached her knees. "Kakashi, I got it from here. Might want to get Naruto and Rizaki and move 'em." The said man nodded, pulling back from the shuriken and running towards the kids, picking them up before moving them back to land. Kezuka turned to look at Zabuza, pulling her headband up to reveal a Sharingan as well, exactly the same as her brother's.

"You really brought me to using this, Zabuza," she grumbled, preparing herself. Zabuza smirked and started weaving signs, Kezuka doing the same thing. They were going so fast they were making the signs at the same pace.

"Tori! Water Dragon Jutsu!" They called out after finishing the handsigns. Two dragon heads came out of the water, colliding into each other and causing a huge wave to come towards the others on land, making them hold their arms to cover their heads as it crashed into them.

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