Chapter 38

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Sasumi pulled out kunais from her pouch, gripping it in each of her hands. She's really suspicious, she thought. I mean, it's plainly obvious she's trying to kill us but...she's just too suspicious in general, whether it's for the test or not. She shot the kunais at her, however it was dodged. The girl, however, didn't stop from there. Sasumi dashed at the woman, and when she was about to snatch her up, the girl slid right between her legs, landing against the tree trunk before shooting at the woman again.

I'm impressed, the mysterious woman thought as she dodged most of Sasumi's attacks, blocking ones she wasn't able to. So easily provoked when criticized. Mmm...then again, that's all you need for an Uchiha to get riled up, am I right? Once Sasumi jumped back the woman zigzagged towards her with such a creepy vibe it was almost terrifying. Multiple clashes were made as they both were blocking each other's attacks, at least until the woman jumped back.

It felt like the fight was going on forever. I can't keep going like this! Sasumi thought. I don't have enough stamina to hold onto this battle much longer...I have to end it now! "Sōma!" She called as she jumped back to him. "Pass me some of your thread." Sōma quickly looked into his pouch, checking to see if he had more. Luckily, he still had one full roll of it left.

"Here," he said, passing it to her. Sasumi smirked as she pulled some of it out. "Imma finish this as quickly as possible." She dashed at the woman, who threw shurikens at her again. Luckily she dodged, hopping over towards another branch. But this time, she wrapped the thread around the branch. "Get me if you can!"

The woman glared. She is trying to reel me into a trap, she thought. Such a poor way to do it too. "I don't think so!" She shot a kunai straight at Sasumi, which seemed to go straight through her forehead.

"SASUMI!" Sōma yelled.

But then, she poofed.

"A Substitution Jutsu?!" The woman exclaimed in surprise, noticing a log take her place.

"FIREBALL JUTSU!!" The woman turned around, only to be shot to the face by a ball of fire. Sasumi landed in front of Sōma, a smirk on her face as there was smoke around them. "Got her..."

"Awesome job, Sasumi!" Sōma complimented, before hearing evil giggles.

" really thought I would die so easily?" Both flinched at the voice. "This is what happens when you get too, I thought you were a bit smarter than that. But I'm impressed." When the smoke cleared, the woman was there with...a melted face. The part that was melted had more pale skin, and the eye was a bright green with blue around the outside.

What the hell?! The girl was taking a few steps back. How...she should be dead! W-What the hell is this thing?! To still be alive after a direct's impossible! She was so frightened her reflexes dulled out. The woman dashed towards her, and Sasumi was just about ready to dodge.

But it was already too late.

The woman tackled Sasumi, making them both fall down the branch they were on and, luckily, landed on another one. The woman licked her lips and Sasumi had a sudden feeling that this would go a lot worse than expected.

"Sasumi Uchiha," she began. "You have a great Sharingan, and at such a young age, mmm...might be even better than Izuko and Itachi's." Sasumi just glared up at her, trying to find ways to break out of her hold. But to no avail.

"Who are you?!" The female Uchiha yelled. "What the hell do you want with us?!"

"Oh, it's not the ones up there. It's just you." Sasumi grunted. "My name is Osakabe, younger sister of Orochimaru. I never really liked following him but he does have a valid point; you two would be great for vessels."

"The hell are you talking about?! And who's the other one?!"

"Mmm, a story for another time." Osakabe licked her lips. "But if you really want to know who the other one is, it's the one that caught Orochimaru's eye; Sasuke." Sasumi flinched once more.

I can't let her do this! Not now! She growled and kicked her feet, trying to get free.

"You aren't getting away with this!!" Sōma yelled from above. "Let her go, Osakabe!!"

"Ohh, the boy's getting brave now." The woman giggled creepily. "Well, too late now." The woman pulled back before biting her teeth into Sasumi's neck, making the girl scream in pain.

"SASUMI!" Sōma glared down at Osakabe, though he was trembling. "What the hell did you do to her?!"

"Oh? This?" She finally got off of Sasumi, who continued screaming in pain as she turned to her side on the branch, holding where she was bitten. "Just a little parting gift to give her. Eventually, she'll come to me for power. And here." She threw the scrolls she had up near Sōma, who luckily caught them. "You're lucky I'm generous. My brother wouldn't have done what I just did." Sōma growled as she smirked, swinging up to the branch he and Rizaki were on. "In the meantime, the powers you all demonstrated interest me. I hope to see it again when you fight my Sound Ninja." The woman disappeared in a gust of wind, making Sōma angrier as he gripped the scrolls.

"Dammit...dammit, dammit!" Heaving Rizaki up on one shoulder, he hopped down to Sasumi, who passed out from pain, and heaved her up on his other shoulder, hopping down each branch until making it to the cave Rizaki found earlier. I hope what my senseis taught me so far pays off...and I hope even more these two will be okay.

986 words

Oh yey, I pretty much added a genderbend of Orochimaru to the story :D

Then again I technically made a genderbend of Sasuke so...guess that isn't anything new-

But this chapter's a bit short...which is why Imma update the next one now lol

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter! <3

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