Chapter 11

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"You're finished," Kezuka said, the knife still at Zabuza's neck. Kakashi appeared next to her. Luckily, it didn't seem like he had any major injuries whatsoever.

"Alright!" Naruto and Rizaki cheered, grinning. Sakura laughed hysterically while Sōma let out a sigh of relief. But Zabuza started to laugh. It wasn't a comforting laugh either.

"Finished?" Zabuza chuckled. "You really don't get it, do you? Your technique is nothing but a crass imitation! I'll never be defeated by mere copycat ninja like you..." he chuckled again. "You are full of surprises though. You'd already copied my Water Clone Jutsu when you made your little speech. Very skillfully educated. You made your clone say those words so I would be distracted, while you and your sister were in the mist, waiting for me to make my move. Nice try, but I'm not that easy to fool!" He appeared behind Kezuka, about to swing his sword.

"Wait, so that means the one Kezuka-sensei's holding is actually a water clone?!" Rizaki exclaimed. Kezuka heard the faintest of the wind from behind her and ducked just in time. Kakashi also came in and stopped the enemy's arm. But Zabuza was able to change his body position, and kicked both of his enemies into the air. He then noticed little spikes on the ground.

"Spikes? Trying to slow me down? Hmph, foolish." Kezuka and Kakashi both fell into the water with a huge splash.

"Senseis!" Sōma called out. Man, and we might have to fight this guy too! He thought, gritting his teeth.

"He has great physical skill, too," Sasuke said, narrowing his eyes.
"Ah, fools!" Zabuza made handsigns. "Water Prison Jutsu!"

"No!" Kakashi and Kezuka exclaimed as they both were each surrounded by a ball of water.

"Escaping in the water," Kakashi grumbled, angered with himself that he hadn't thought of the consequence. "Big mistake..." Zabuza started laughing...again.

"This prison you two are in is made of water, but is stronger than steel," he said. "It's hard to fight when you can't move. So much for the great Kakashi and Kezuka! I'll just finish you both off later. But first, your little friends will have to be eliminated." He made handsigns again. "Water clone jutsu!" His water clone appeared closer to the group.

"You think wearing a headband makes you a ninja?" He questioned. "When you hover between life and death so many times it doesn't faze you, then you may be called a ninja. When you've become so deadly, your profile is entered in the bingo book, you may have earned the title ninja. But to call starter ups like you ninja is a joke!" He disappeared again, making everyone get on guard. He reappeared next to Naruto, who got kicked in the face and fell to the ground, his headband flying off.

"Naruto!" Rizaki called, then growled at Zabuza.

"Rizaki, don't be reck—" Sakura cut herself off when Rizaki attempted to punch Zabuza in the face, but he caught her fist and kicked her in the stomach before grabbing her leg and swinging her into a tree. "Rizaki!"

"You're all just brats," Zabuza spat, Rizaki and Naruto groaning as they slowly sat up.

"Guys, listen!" Kakashi called out to them. "Get the bridge-builder and run! You can't win this fight!"

"He is using all of his power to keep us in these prisons, and his water clone can't run too far!" Kezuka added. "If you can get away from him he can't follow. Now run!"

There isn't a point in doing that anymore, Sasumi thought. We already got caught, we don't have much of a choice. The best thing we can do is rescue Kakashi and Kezuka-sensei!

"We got to do it! Gah!" Sasuke let out a battle cry as started running towards Zabuza, throwing shurikens at him. But the swordsman swung his weapon with ease and blocked the attack.

"Sasuke!" Sasumi called out. "The hell are you doing?!"

Her brother ran and jumped, but saw through and caught him by the neck, throwing him. This rubbed Sasumi the wrong way, making her dash at Zabuza with her kunai. But he grabbed her by the arm and slammed her into the ground.

"Sasuke!" Sakura cries out. "Sasumi! No!"

"He got them both?!" Naruto yelled. When Rizaki turned around, almost immediately she saw Zabuza in front of her childhood friend, and he was trembling under his presence.

"N-Naruto...!" she struggled, trying to get up but tripping on her back again, grunting. She looked down at her ankle. It seemed like she sprained it a bit. But maybe if I can put less weight on it...!

Speaking of Naruto, he turned to look down at the headband that Zabuza was stepping on. The headband that he worked so hard to get. Maybe if I act like I'm recklessly running at him, he thought. Once he moves his foot I'll grab the headband! He got up and dashed towards Zabuza with a battle cry.

"Naruto! No!" Kakashi yelled, Kezuka's eyes widening.

"Naruto!" Sōma exclaimed. "Dude, what are you doing?!" The said boy got hit, flying close to Rizaki. She quickly reached out and grabbed him, the impact making them both fall to the ground with a thump!

"Oi...Naru, you good?" Rizaki asked with a soft grunt. Then she noticed the item in his hand. Naruto slowly sat up, giving her a small thumbs up.

"What were you thinking, charging at him by yourself?!" Sakura scolded. "Even the Uchiha Twins couldn't get to him! We're only Genin! We can't beat a Jonin! What did you—?!"

"Sakura!" Rizaki interrupted, giving her a light glare. "Zip it and take a look at what he has in his hands."

Sakura glared right back but did as told, Sōma doing similar actions. What the item was, was a dirtied up headband. Naruto tied it on his forehead, a determined look on his face as he struggled to get up. Smirking a little, Rizaki did the same, making sure she stood on her uninjured foot.

"Alright, you!" Naruto called out to Zabuza, panting. "The freak with no eyebrows! Put this in...your bingo book; the ninja...who will become Hokages...of the Village Hidden in the Leaves! They never back down! They're Naruto Uzumaki and Rizaki Kiotori!"

"Yeah, and that better get stuck into your small brain, because we'll make sure you remember it!" Rizaki added with a grin on her face. Naruto turned to Sasuke and Sasumi.

"Alright, Sasuke! Sasumi! Listen up! Can you hear me?"

"Yeah, I hear you."

"Loud and clear."

"Cool, 'cause we have a plan-ttebayo!"

"Finally thinking about teamwork, huh?" Sasuke remarked with a smirk. Naruto nodded and looked at Rizaki, who looked at him. Giving each other a quick nod, they turned back to the enemy, punching their fists into the palms of their own hands.

"Now guys..." Rizaki grinned with determination. "Let's go wild!"

1152 words

Man I'm getting flashbacks of when I first watched this show. So BOOTIFUL-
I also found that it has the most anime fanfics on and I'm concerned. However I'm more concerned on the fact I go to that site-

But comment! Feedback! Vote! sTaLk.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! <3

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