Chapter 10

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This guy is in our way from getting to the village! Naruto thought angrily. I'll beat him to the ground! He started running at him, but Kakashi stopped him by putting a hand out.

"You're in the way," he said simply. "Get back."

"But why?!" Naruto tried to argue.

"He's not like those other ninja, he's in a whole other league. If he's our opponent, I'll need this. This could be treacherous." He turned to his sister. "Kezuka, back me up." The woman nodded, fixating her eye on the enemy before them.

"Kakashi and Kezuka of the Sharingan Eyes, did I get that right?" Zabuza asked. He smiled through his taped mask. Sasuke and Sasumi's eyes widened in shock. "It's too bad, huh? But you'll have to hand over the old man."

There is no way Kakashi and Kezuka-sensei could have the Sharingan! Sasumi thought. Only someone from the Uchiha clan could have one, and they couldn't be Uchiha, they said at our introduction their last name was Hatake! Unless they lied or something—

"Everyone, quick. Get in formation!" Kezuka ordered. "Protect the bridge-builder, and stay out of this fight. We taught you all teamwork, so I think it's best you put it to use."

Kakashi stared menacingly at the ninja before him, pulling his headband up to reveal, in fact, a red eye with two tomoes in it. "I'm ready," he said.

"Well, looks like I get to see the Sharingan in action," Zabuza said with a smirk on his face, hopping off the sword and pulling it out, readying himself. "This is an honor."

"Everyone is saying Sharingan, Sharingan!" Naruto exclaimed. "I don't even know what that is!"

"I don't know either," Rizaki agreed with a huff. "So, like, can someone explain it?! Please?!"

"Sharingan," Sasuke started, still staring. "A rare power that rests in the eyes."

"It's a visual jutsu that can see and comprehend any genjutsu, ninjitsu, and taijutsu," Sasumi added. "In other words, it can copy all of your movements and reflect it back towards you. The Sharingan is a rare, special type of Dojutsu. But there's a lot more to it."

"You both are correct, but you've only scratched the surface. The Sharingan can analyze an opponent's technique, and then copy it to the smallest detail.." Zabuza grips his handle on his blade. "As for you Jonin, in the assassination unit of the Hidden Mist, had a standing order to destroy you on sight. Your profiles were in our bingo book. You were called 'the siblings who copied over a thousand jutsu.' Kakashi and Kezuka, the Copy Cat Ninjas."

"Whoa-ho-ho!" Rizaki awed with stars in her eyes. "And you guys didn't tell us this?!"

"That's so cool!" Naruto beamed.

"Enough talking." Zabuza gripped the handle to his blade. "I need to exterminate the old man, now!" The kids took this as a sign, quickly getting into formation. Rizaki and Naruto on the left, Sakura and Sōma on the right, and Sasumi and Sasuke in the middle.

"So I have to eliminate you first, huh Hatakes?" Zabuza smirked. "So be it." He jumped back over into the water, or more standing on top of it.

"He's over there!" Naruto called.

"Standing on the water!" Sakura added.

"Well no shit, that's obvious..." Sasumi grumbled. I can't believe I'm stuck with people who are being Captain Obvious.

Zabuza started making handsigns, a mist forming around the area once he finished. "Ninja Art: Hidden Mist Jutsu!" As soon as he said that, he disappeared.

"Shoot, he vanished!" Sōma exclaimed. "Senseis?!"

"He'll come after us first," Kakashi said.

I can't tell if that's reassuring or not, the male Haruno thought with a sweatdrop.

"Who is he though?" Sakura asked.

"Zabuza Momochi," Kezuka replied. "The ex-leader of the Hidden Mist Assassination Unit. He's a master of the silent killing technique."

"S-Silent?" Rizaki stuttered, a bead of sweat dripping down her face. "Seriously?"

"As the name suggests, it happens in an instant; without sound or warning of any kind. It's so fast, you pass from this life without even realizing what had just happened. Not even the Sharingan can fully neutralize it, so keep on your guard."

"I mean, if we fail, we'll only lose our lives," Kakashi added casually, with his sister giving him a light scolding glare.

"Wow, thanks for the reassuring words.." Rizaki muttered under her breath.

"The mist is getting thicker, guys..!" Naruto said nervously. It was, in fact, getting thicker. Almost to the point where they can't see their senseis.

"The Land of Waves is surrounded by the ocean," Tazuna said. "The swirling mists are ever present."

But this doesn't seem like it's normal mist, Sasuke thought. So is this some sort of Jutsu?

"Kakashi-sensei?!" Sakura called out. Now they really couldn't see their senseis anymore. "Kezuka-sensei?!"

"Eight points," a voice suddenly said through the fog. "Larynx, spine, lungs, liver, jugular, subclavian artery, kidneys, heart. Now, which will be my first kill point?!"

Sasuke was slowly pulling out his kunai, but Kakashi's voice stopped him.

"Sasuke, calm down! I'll protect you with my life. All of you. I will not allow my comrades to die! Trust me!"

"I wouldn't be too sure," Zabuza grinned creepily through the tape, and soon everyone noticed his leg appearing before them. "It's over!"

Everything went so quickly, just by a normal naked eye it was hard to keep up. Zabuza has swung his sword, everyone jumping back. Kakashi then stopped the man by stabbing him.

There was no blood.

Only water.

As soon as the clone dispatched the real Zabuza appeared behind him.

"Kakashi-sensei, behind you/look out!" Naruto and Rizaki warned. It was too late though.

"DIE!" Zabuza yelled, slashing Kakashi in half. But that Kakashi turned into a water clone and dispatched as a puddle of water.

Wow, that Sharingan is really handy, Rizaki thought, watching everything unfold. Imagine if Kakashi-sensei didn't have it...
Kezuka appeared behind Zabuza, a kunai to his neck.

"Don't move,'s over."

1010 words

I literally thought I published this wtf-
I HAVE BEEN ScAmMeD by Wattpad once more djdjdkdk

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Hope you enjoyed the chapter! <3

The Other Jinchūriki - A Naruto FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora