Chapter 26

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There were two unfamiliar in front of the Leaf residents. One was a guy with a black hood on, who seemed to look like a cat as he had purple face paint on his face. He also had something on his back, which seemed to look like hair. The girl next to him was blond as her hair was pulled into four short frizzy pigtails and a fan on her back. The cat-boy, out of nowhere, snatched Konohamaru and raised him in the air by the scarf.
"So does this hurt, punk?" The boy sneered at him as Konohamaru was struggling to get out of his grasp.
"Konohamaru!" Moegi and Udon yelled.
"Put him down, Kankuro," the girl tried to reason with him. "Or you know you will pay for it later."
"Hey, I'm sorry!" Sakura apologized, bowing a little in shame. "It was my fault this whole thing happened..."
"You better take your hands off him right now!" Naruto growled, letting go of Rizaki. Luckily she healed herself enough where she didn't need his support anymore.
"Yeah, you're a coward for messing with someone smaller than you!" Rizaki added, narrowing her eyes at the boy now known as Kankuro. The said-ninja noticed the Leaf symbol on their heads.
So they must be Genin, he thought with a smirk. "We have a few minutes before the strict ones get here, why don't we have a little fun?" He pulled his fist back to land a hit on Konohamaru, but Naruto wasn't having it. He dashed towards Kankuro with a battle cry.
"LEAVE HIM ALONE YOU JERK!" He shouted. Then, Kankuro started wiggling his fingers and, almost magically, the blond tripped and fell backwards.
"What the—what the hell was that?!" Rizaki glared at Kankuro with temporary hate. "Stupid moves, goes well for a stupid cat-addict!" Sakura bonked the two knuckleheads on the...head.
"Threats and insults won't help, you idiots!" She scolded as the duo whined.
"'re all annoying." Kankuro started to choke Konohamaru. "When a wimp like you starts shooting off his mouth.."
"...I just want to break him in half."
"NO!" Everyone exclaimed.
Suddenly, a rock from the tree near them made contact with Kankuro's hand, making him drop the toddler. Another came quickly after, hitting his head. "Ow!"
"Naruto!" Konohamaru ran beside Naruto and hid behind him to watch from a safer distance. Rizaki glanced up at the tree and a tick mark appeared on her temple, noticing who they were.
"Damn Uchihas..."
"You're a long way from home," Sasuke called out.
"Yeah, and seem out of your league too," Sasumi added with a chuckle.
"Oh great," Kankuro sighed. "More wimps to piss me off..." Both Uchiha twins crushed another rock they had to dust in their hands.
"Get lost," they both growled. Sakura and Moegi squealed at this, thinking how cool they looked. Udon's eyes sparkled a little in amazement.
"Bosses, how come you can't be cool like that?" Konohamaru asked with a pout.
"Wha—we could've got him two seconds flat!" Naruto countered. "Believe it!"
"Yeah, those other two are just being a bunch of showoffs!" Rizaki scoffed.
"Hey, punks, get down from there." Kankuro scowled. "You're the kind of pesky little snots I hate most. All attitude and have nothing to back it up with." He set the hand on the back of something bandaged, with a tuft of hair sticking out of it.
"What?" The blonde girl questioned Kankuro with a look. "You're seriously going to use the Crow for this?"
"Kankuro...back off." Everyone turned to the noise that seemed to have come from a tree branch, not far from Sasuke and Sasumi. One boy had red hair with green eyes and a black outline around them. He also had a red tattoo on the side of his forehead. There was a girl beside him, with dirty blond hair and the same green eyes and thick outline. Both had a gourd on their backs.
"You're embarrassing our village," the girl said, simply and coldly.
"U-Uh...hey Gaara, Saya!..."
"Have you forgotten the reason we came all the way here?" The redhead sneered.
"I know!" Kankuro retorted, now looking very nervous. "I-I mean, they challenged us! They started the whole thing, really! See, here's what happened—!"
"Shut up," the boy finished, making Kankuro groan. "Or I'll kill you." This shut him up quickly.
"A-Ah, right! I-I was totally out of line! I-I'm sorry, Gaara! I was totally...out of line!" The boy, Gaara, turned to look at Sasuke and Sasumi.
"I'm sorry for any trouble he may have caused," he said, in a neutral voice. Saya gave a slight bow. Sasuke and Sasumi just stared at the mysterious duo that had butted in, as if they were contemplating their strength. Suddenly, the said kids dusted into sand, transporting from the tree to the ground with the others.
"Let's go," Saya mumbled. "They're all a waste of time."
"R-Right," Kankuro stuttered, looking down and walking past the others along with the other people.
"Hey!" Sakura yelled. "Wait a minute!"
"What?" The blond girl, who the others still haven't figured out the name of, turned to her with an annoyed look.
"I see you guys have a different symbol on your headband, meaning that you aren't from here. Shinobi can't be here without permission, so state your purpose! It better be a good one too!" The girl laughed.
"Really? Have you all seriously been living under a rock?" Rizaki raised her hand.
"If you really want to go there, we just came back from some shitty missions and—MFF!" Naruto slapped a hand over her mouth, giving her a look that said 'shut up'.
"Look, we have permission." The girl held up an ID card. "But you are correct, pinky. We're hidden Sand ninjas from the Village Hidden in the Wind. We're here for the Chunin Exams, get the picture?"
"Chunin Exams?" Naruto asked, pulling his hand away from Rizaki's mouth who let in an exaggeratedly huge breath of air. "I don't know what that is, believe it!"
"Oh, I believe it; believe that you're totally clueless..."
"Look, girl, just say what the hell it is!" Rizaki growled.
"Rizaki-sensei!" Moegi ran over and grabbed her sleeve. "The Chunin Exams are the exams that every Genin takes in order for them to graduate and get into the next rank to become a full-on Chunin!"
"Wait, really? Okay, then you better believe we're gonna be there!" Gaara let out a slight scoff and started walking, his group not far behind. That's when the raven-haired girl hopped down from the tree.
"Hey, the two with the gourds. Tell me your name." Gaara and Saya turned around to face her.
"We are Gaara and Saya of the Desert," Gaara replied, his eyes closed as he pointed between him and Saya. "I'm a bit curious about you and that other boy too. Who are you?"
"I'm Sasumi Uchiha. The boy is my twin brother, Sasuke." Everything was silent, only a cold breeze flowing past them. That's when someone decided to break the tension.
"Hey there!" Naruto called out. "I'm sure you want to know about me and my good friend here, right?" Gaara just glared at him.
"I couldn't care less." The Sand group walked away, leaving Naruto to slightly sulk and Rizaki to pout. The blond then turned to Konohamaru.
"Do you think I'm uncool?"

"Compared to those raven-hairs neither you or Rizaki are..." Rizaki grabbed both him and Moegi by the shoulders gently and whispered to them.

"They aren't cool when they give you a whole bunch of attitude, act like jerks, and look like showoffs," she whispered to them in a slightly intimidating voice as she glared at the Uchihas. "Trust me, they aren't as cool as you may think." Moegi made a slight 'o' with her mouth and Konohamaru just nodded a little with a thoughtful look. Naruto hid a grin.

Well, she can speak out her mind when she wants to-ttebayo.

1353 words

Yeah, I introduced the Sand siblings, including my own, Saya!

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Hope you enjoyed the chapter! <3

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