Chapter 48

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"Alright now. Those who have their names drawn, please step forward." Sasuke and a ninja, with a mask and sunglasses so he couldn't be identified, stepped up in front of each other. "You have been the first two who have been chosen for the first match, Yoroi Akado and Sasuke Uchiha. Do you have any objections?"

"No," Yoroi replied.

"None here," Sasuke added.

"Uh, alright then...let's begin the first match. Okay. Everyone other than the opposing two will now clear the area and move to the upper level." Everyone started going up except the rest of Team Combo, who stayed back for a moment longer. Luckily they did, because a certain someone jumped in front of them.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto yelled happily. "Hey!" Rizaki pouted.

"Aw, what?! Where's Kezuka-sensei?"

"She'll be here in a second," Kakashi replied as he patted her head, making the girl pout more. He then turned to Sasuke and whispered to him.

"Meet me after your match." Sasuke raised a brow but nodded. Just a moment later, smoke appeared.

"Sorry I'm late," a voice sighed as the smoke began to disperse. "I had to—"

"KEZUKA-SENSEI!" Rizaki cheered as she clung tightly onto her waist. The woman deadpanned.

"Rizaki, we can't keep doing this..." When the Genin didn't move from her spot she sighed. "Alright, let's go up." They all nodded and headed up, standing by Rock Lee.

"Hello Rizaki!" Lee chirped. Rizaki sweated a little as Naruto glared protectively.

"Er...hey, Lee!" He then waved at Sakura.

"Hi Saku—!"

"Don't even try it!" Sakura scoffed, making the boy sulk. Then, he looked to Sasumi. He silently but cheerfully waved at her, who hesitantly but kindly returned the gesture with a small smile.

"When you two are ready," Hayate said. "We can let the match begin."

"Oh, I'm ready," Yoroi glared through his glasses. Sasuke just kept smirking.

"So am I." Yoroi threw shurikens at the Uchiha, but he blocked them with a kunai he pulled out, causing the shuriken to shoot back towards his opponent. However, the Curse Mark decided to come at the wrong time and Sasuke fell to the ground due to pain. He was down for a few moments before realizing Yoroi was gone. Luckily he dodged before almost getting stabbed to the back.

"What's up with him?" Rizaki asked, tilting her head. Sasumi didn't say anything but continued to watch her brother fight.

We both have a Curse Mark, right? She thought. Any mistakes he makes I'll learn not to do.

Sasuke stabbed his kunai into the ground and spun around, round-kicking Yoroi's arms, making him fall back. He then grabbed the masked-man's arm and slammed him on the ground on his back, trapping him in a painful position.

"He got him!" Naruto said joyfully, Sōma and Sakura cheering. Yoroi smirked under his mask and grabbed Sasuke's shirt, and immediately Sasuke looked paralyzed. "Nevermind!" He lifted his hand and slammed it into him again, and Sasumi couldn't help but tighten her grip on the bars as Sasuke coughed a little in pain. He couldn't get up, he was clutching his chest and breathing heavily.

Yoroi jumped forward and grabbed his head, and Sasuke's chakra became visible as it absorbed into the opponent's hand as the victim groaned in pain and the assailant laughed.

No... Sasuke thought. This ends NOW! "Let me go!" He kneed into Yoroi's stomach, causing him to force himself off on top of him. He tried sitting up but couldn't even make it halfway.

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