Chapter 24

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"Kill me," Haku said bluntly again, taking a step over to the young male Jinchūriki, who took a step back. "Go on. Strike. Why do you hesitate?"

"That's the most ridiculous story I have ever heard!" Naruto yelled out. "I mean, he treats you like a slave! You're a human being, not a weapon or a tool! How can you care about someone like that?!"

"For that very reason." Haku looks at him with an almost eerie look. "Does that seem so strange to you?"

"Actually, yes! A little!"

"When he found me, I was without a purpose or a reason for living. Zabuza gave me both. But now, my usefulness is over. The only thing that gave my life meaning—it is gone. I am a broken tool, a blunted weapon of no use to anyone. Go on, Naruto, do it. For both of our sakes, do it—quickly."

"N-No, I can't do that!" Naruto denied.

"I thought you wanted to be a mighty warrior," Haku argued calmly, unlike his opponent.

"That's not what it's about! Do you really think that's all there is to it?! Just fighting and killing until there's only one man left standing?! There's a lot more to being a Shinobi than that, and there are other ways to prove your strength than just beating someone in battle!"

"I had a feeling all along.." Haku muttered. "From the first time we met in the woods...the two of you and I are a lot alike. I'm sure you know what I mean. I'm only sorry that it must be your hands tainted in my unworthy blood."

Naruto looked down at his pouch and, reluctantly, pulled out a kunai. "You sure about this?" He asked, gripping it. "And..and you're positive this is the only way?"


"The weird thing is, if we had met in another time and place, I think we would've become friends." Naruto flicked his kunai in his hand and ran at Haku, who wasn't moving at all, but his eyes were slowly shifting to his left.

"Yes, that's right," Haku encouraged him. "Hold fast to your dreams."

"And this is for Rizaki...because she also had a dream! And you took that dream away from her!!" He went to strike but, in a split second, Haku dodged him.

"Sorry Naruto, change of plans."


"Zabuza, it's time for you to die. For real this time." Kezuka had summoned ninja wolves to hold Zabuza down while Kakashi started making a Jutsu. It looked like lightning. A lightning Jutsu.

"Chidori!" Kakashi yelled, about to plunge it through Zabuza, but someone stood in the way and grabbed his arm. Quite tightly, so to say.


"Heh, I knew I'd find a treasure when I found you, boy," Zabuza said, confidence in his voice.

"Hey, the fog's lifting!" Naruto was all the way in the back, and his eyes widened when he saw Haku. "Hey—wha—what's going on?!"

"Isn't it...obvious, loser?" Sasuke turned to him, a scowl on his face despite the soreness it brought him. "The..imposter took the..hit for Zabuza..."

Zabuza went to take a swing at Kakashi, but Kezuka stepped up and blocked it with two kunai knives. Kakashi held Haku and jumped back, Kezuka soon after.

"Not bad for having a corpse in your arms," Zabuza chuckled.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!" Naruto screamed as he was about to run in and tackle Zabuza. But Kakashi yelled over to him.

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