Chapter 27

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"Ugh, it's always the same!!" Sōma yelled in frustration as Team 7 and 6 waited by their usual spot, his arms crossed. "I swear, they need a clock or something!"

"Yeah!" Rizaki agreed. "It's not fair!"

"I didn't even get enough time to blow-dry my hair!" Sakura ranted, making Sasumi give her a look.

"Who ever blow-dries these days? Just use a towel." Sakura grew an irk mark on her head in annoyance.

"And I didn't even get enough time to brush my teeth or change my underwear!" Naruto yelled, causing Rizaki to burst out laughing. Everyone else gave him a weird look.

"That's disgusting Naruto," Sakura said with a disgusted look.

"It's so stupid it's hilarious!" Rizaki cackled. That's when their 'favorite' senseis appeared. One was standing on the railing, the other leaning against it.

"Hey guys, sorry we're late," Kakashi said casually, crouching on the railing.

"Yeah, we got a little busy," Kezuka added with a soft sigh.

"OH REALLY?!" Everyone except the Uchihas screeched. "BUSY WITH WHAT?!"

"You know, just recommending you all for the Chunin Exams."


"Yep." Kakashi handed them each a piece of paper. "These are the application forms."

"Application forms?" Sakura repeated.

"Sakura, you're repeating my words. Yes, application forms. Anyways, this is all voluntary. It's up to each of you. If you feel that you aren't ready you can always wait until next year." Rizaki jumped to her feet in excitement while Naruto grinned hugely.

"Awesome!" They both cheered in unison. "You two are the greatest!!" They hopped up and clutched onto their senseis in a hug, Kakashi spinning to catch balance and Kezuka letting out a light giggle.

"Don't slobber on my vest!" The male sensei scolded with a huff as he set Naruto down.

"Alright kid, down you go." Kezuka almost struggled to pull Rizaki off her but eventually she succeeded. "If you want to get into the exams, sign the application and go into room 301 at the academy. It starts at 3:00 PM five days from now, got it?" Everyone nodded and she smiled through the mask. "Good. That's it then."

"Actually, there's one more thing," Kakashi cut in. Everyone turned to him. "Even though you've worked together for a while, you're still separate teams. This means you most likely won't be working with each other in at least one of the tests."

"WHAT?!" Everyone exclaimed. The Hatakes poofed away, Kakashi winking and Kezuka making a peace sign.

"Aw man..." Naruto and Rizaki slumped in their positions, obviously not liking the way things had turned out. "Well you know what, so be it!" Naruto smirked. "I can take a bit of competition from you!" Rizaki held up a fist in determination.

"Like I'd ever lose to you! Maji!"

"I hope I fight that gourd blondie," Sasumi mumbled, Sasuke nodding, wanting something similar. I have to fight that Gaara guy if I want to get stronger, he thought.


Five days had passed since the two teams had signed up for the Chunin Exams. Sakura and Sōma were a little hesitant at first, but decided to do it. Yeah, what could go wrong? Sakura thought as she and her brother walked with their teammates.

"Yeah, so...what is the first exam we have to do?" Rizaki questioned as they walked through the Academy doors. Sasuke sighed.

"I think we have a written test," he replied. "Which I doubt either you or Naruto are good at. Idiots..."

"SHUT UP TEME/AHIRU!" The duo exclaimed in unison, a vein popping out of their heads. Sasumi coughed a little to hide her snort.


"Some of you won't survive the exams!" The two teams walked up onto the second floor, despite it saying it is the third one, to be met by a huge crowd of people. "Others will be wrecked for life! And some of you may go crazy. For Chunin, it's always life or death!" Rizaki noticed two kids knocked out on the floor and two boys standing in front of a doorway. Once had wild hair and bandages wrapped over his nose (it didn't cover his mouth), while the other had his headband fully over his head, like a hair scarf. Weird...

Sōma stared at the sign that said 3rd Floor, making his eyes narrow. We only walked up one set of stairs, the dirt-blond thought. He glanced towards his sister, who had a similar look on her face. Seems like she noticed it as well. Once they stopped in front of the boys, they glared at them.

"You think this is a joke?" One of them sneered. "Chunins are qualified to lead missions. The lives of your squad members are in your hands. So you better be tough enough to take on the heat! Delicate little girls don't belong here." He referred to Sasumi, Rizaki and Sakura, who all glared at him.

"I'LL SHOW YOU WHO'S DELICATE YOU SMARTASS!" Rizaki jumped at him but Sōma snatched her back.

"Yeesh, chill!"

"Cut the speeches and let us through," Sasuke spat. "While you're at it, reverse the Genjutsu. A few of us had already seen through it, right Sakura? Sōma?" Sōma nodded, while Sakura's was more aggressive, mostly because her crush just noticed her.

"Well well," the bandaged kid mumbled with an amused smile.

"You guys must be smart," the one with the scarf finished. "But are you smart enough to do THIS?!" He pulled his leg as he went to kick Sasuke, who was about to counter with the same attack. Then, somebody intervened by catching both their legs.

933 words

I'm sorry for not updating. I was busy and have to savor the last few moments I get to copy and paste this stuff :')

I'm also totally tired of suggesting you to comment and crap. Do whatever, idc-

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! <3

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