Chapter 18 - The Astronomy Tower

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Averting her gaze from her classmates during the first feast of the new year, Joanna found herself checking the Slytherin table to see if there was any possibility of catching a pair of tumultuous grey eyes. She had Kate and a couple of other girls in her year but it wasn't the same. She couldn't exchange a joking look at Regulus across the room when Kate was getting into her rants or use Sirius as an excuse to leave the conversation or try to get Marlene to step in for her girlfriend. She simply stared down at her plate getting lost in thought about her life just a few years ago.

Joanna was standing on the railing of the Astronomy Tower, out of breath after having run up the steps all the way from the common room. She did not know why she had chosen this place out of all the others to hide; she could have gone to the Room of Requirement or near the Black Lake or to the library, but her feet ended up taking her here as she tried to escape having to confront him.

It was ridiculous. He was totally arrogant, he never studied but always managed to get good scores on his exams, and he had been with every other girl at school even if it only lasted a day or two. In short, he was barely tolerable. He was her friend but so were the others, so there had never been anything romantic between them. But two summers ago he had run away from home and came to the Potter's seeking refuge.

A few nights after he came, Joanna woke up thirsty and decided to serve herself a glass of water. Near the kitchen she found him standing by himself, his eyes were closed but his face was full of hurt.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother you," she said, still getting used to having another person living with her.

He nervously replied, "Erm, it's alright. I was just... thinking."

A good dose of courage burst through Joanna urging her to get closer, "It's okay now. You have James and the other guys and... me."

"I owe you and your parents and James everything, I'm sorry for imposing and -"

She grabbed his hands and squeezed them as reassurance. She hadn't seen him up close since he came, she said 'hi' in passing or stayed in her room studying and when they ate she tried not to look. With the faint moonlight coming in through the living room window she could see everything. He had whip marks on his arms and hands, his bones were protruding from his back, he had bags under his eyes and his skin was slightly ashen. She was glad her parents took him in without question. He winced at her touch, still sensitive from his mother's idea of a lesson. Joanna led him to sit on the brown couch and closed the distance between them as she pulled him in for a hug. He instantly slinked forward and gave in to the comforting embrace, holding onto the smell of her floral perfume and tropical shampoo. Suddenly, his body trembled as he let tears roll down his face. They ended up falling asleep in that very position, but Joanna woke up before him so no one found out.

They never talked about that night afterward. She kept up her banter and wittiness around him and the boys, but inside she had become a mess. She tried avoiding his stare and made sure to never be alone in a room with him, always having Kate or Remus by her side. The worst times for her were during quidditch. She tried to come extra early to change, but on the field, during practice, she had to rely on him to help. She couldn't get out of that considering they were the team's beaters and good ones at that. When she wasn't in class or on a broom, she was studying with Remus. He seemed to not notice the increasingly frequent trips to the library, something Joanna could always count on.

But then sixth year rolled in for Joanna meaning it was also the Marauder's last year at Hogwarts. After a particularly grueling week of doing poorly in transfiguration and astronomy, having to endure Snape's unbearable teasing of her, and not getting one play right in quidditch practice, Jo was sick of everything. She barged into the common room and threw her bag on the couch. She was ready to scream but she noticed the two boys standing near the staircase and locked eyes with one of them.

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