Epilogue II

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12 years later...

She was surrounded on all sides with her back against the brick wall. They were closing in on her. She tried not to shut her eyes from the brightness. It was her first time outside in ages.

"No need to lash out, Ms. Potter. We're here to help," one of the white-robed men said, slowly lowering his wand.

For a second she almost believed him. She just wanted to collapse and cry like she had the first year she got admitted. But she knew better now. They weren't there to help. They would cuff her and send her down to the basement. With no magic and nothing to do except give her "sleeping pills" and grimy "coffee". She had learned after her first week that caffeine wasn't the only thing in her cup.

That was no more. Wandless magic was hard, but she'd done it before.

"No, you don't!" As she shouted she could feel a warmth permeate her body and a white light blasted through sending the men flying backward.

She made a run for the dense pine forest. Apparating wasn't an option thanks to the spells placed around the facility that stretched for eighty thousand meters. That's what she heard last time someone tried to escape. Eighty thousand didn't seem too bad if it weren't for the people following her. She wished she could have her brother's invisibility cloak. Her brother. He was dead. He had been for a long time. Dead. She still wasn't used to the idea he wasn't going to pop up any minute to help. She would sometimes forget that until she'd think about something stupid -- like his cloak.

The crinkling of leaves disrupted her zoning out. She couldn't waste time. Running. That was all she could afford to think about now. Just run. Don't trip. Her slippers were starting to get dirty but she didn't care. It was much better than being in that wretched old place. Hopefully Remus would believe that too. Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. That's what he was doing now. He was at Hogwarts. With him. Harry.

Someone had once told her Hogwarts was a safe place. She couldn't remember who said it but she sure hoped they were right.

A/N: That's it! What a ride, I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing and growing from this! 

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