Epilogue I

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Remus felt numb as he sat on his bed, listening to the last voicemail he received go on repeat, and staring ahead at the calendar pinned on the wall that read it was November 1st.

"How do you - Oh the light's on... Hey Rem, I can't talk much because Sirius is in the other room waiting for me but I've already got the banner and streamers for what'd you call it? That french word... His soirée! I was hoping it wouldn't be too much to ask if you could bring the cake? You know how.... Um... Marls used to be in charge of that... Er, anyway, order a nice chocolate cake, and I'll be eternally at your service... Ugh, I've got to go, Sirius is telling me to hurry my arse. See you later, love you! Oi, how do I turn this off? Bloody muggle phone machi—"

It pained him to hear that voice but he couldn't bring himself to turn it off. If it was masochistic, he didn't care.

See you later, love you!

Remus Lupin couldn't fathom how everyone in the wizarding world was celebrating when he was grieving. It wasn't fair. The only other one of the marauders, of his friends, his family, was left to pick up the pieces — alone.

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