Chapter 31 - DAD

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"Bloody Godric, Helena, Rowena, and Salazar, I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!" James bellowed from the top of his lungs as he carried his wife and spun her around.

Sirius just looked at James and Lily and back at Joanna, incredulous of the first bit of good news they had received in a while.

"This isn't a prank, is it?" Sirius asked, "It's not a joke to get back at us for one of our stupid tricks?"

Jo merely shook her head and smiled from ear to ear.

Still unable to shake off the disbelief, he questioned, "James is going to be a dad?"

She reassured, "Yes, he is. Now quit asking or I'll tape your mouth next time."

"YOU'RE GOING TO BE A DAD!" Sirius screamed as he picked up James and spun him around the room and continued with a high-pitched, "This is one of the best birthday presents, Prongs!"

"It's almost as if they're going to grow that child in their bodies for nine months, not you," Jo quipped at a flushed Lily.

"If there was a way we could do that, I would've known by now," Lily remarked, knowing what lay ahead for her.

James turned around from freaking out (like schoolgirls) with his mate and queried, "Do the others know?"

Lily disclosed, "Not yet. We were thinking of hosting a little get-together at six today. Is that okay with you?"

"Absobloodylutely," Sirius answered for James.

Jo pointed out, "Oi, she wasn't asking you."

"Absobloodylutely," James answered, and Jo rolled her eyes while Sirius grinned.

"We'll have to send Moony an owl to let him know. You know what? I'll send one right now. I bet he'll come running back the minute he finds out we'll have a mini Prongs walking around!" James babbled relentlessly with excitement.

Not wanting to break his moment of ecstasy, Lily tried to dampen the blow, "Sweetheart, he's almost finished with his very important mission. I'm sure he'll be very glad to hear about this but let him complete what Dumbledore set for him to do."

"I know, I know. I'm only joking, Lils," He said before sharing a knowing look with Sirius.

Sirius complained, "He's been gone for aaaggges, how long does it take to recruit some pups?"

"I don't suppose it's too long but he also has some competition with Fen-... um... the Death Eaters," James awkwardly claimed.

"You can say his name, James. Fenrir Greyback is also getting people on Voldemort's side," Jo boldly spoke.

James grumbled, rubbing the back of his neck, "Err yeah, Greyback."

Lily uneasily noted, "That's probably motivating Remus, which is good, you guys. He'll be back soon," and placed her hand on her husband's tense shoulder.

Breaking the uncomfortable silence, Sirius voiced, "Ok we've got a baby announcement in less than five hours and we still haven't planned anything. Move your arses, chaps!" Just as Jo walked past him he playfully slapped her bum and winked when she mocked outrage.

"Ugh, don't act like you don't like it, sis," James observed with slight disgust.

Jo rebuked, "Jamie, now's not the time to act like you're above it. There are four pieces of evidence lying in your bathroom sink." Sirius couldn't stop howling and Lily timidly went downstairs to hide her red face.

A/N: Writing Sirius and James as little dorks fangirling over Harry was so funny, hope you guys enjoy it! Xx

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