1. Once Upon A Time

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The last remaining light of day painted the outer walls of the cottage a dim orange, darkening the thatched roof and accentuating shadows over the dried-up herb garden. No smoke rose from the stone chimney but the thin frame of a girl was visible sitting shivering at the only window, staring out into the growing darkness, unable to focus her mind on any one thing.

Evianna waited silently for her mother to return. There was little to do in the empty house; if she touched her mother's belongings, she would be beaten, and she had no possessions of her own.

As the night grew near, Evianna's stomach began to churn as starvation clung to her since she hadn't eaten all day. She had witnessed foxes kill mice and birds feed their chicks; even the fresh smells of baked bread had been carried on the light breeze since early hours. Envy stung at her as she wished for even unclean, uncooked earthworms the mother bird offered to stave off her children's hunger.

As a rolling growl sounded from her stomach the girl sent her eyes to the cold cottage floor, searching for crumbs that may have fallen from previous meals yet unnoticed. The odd edge of something small and off-colour caught her eye, but in the same moment the front door tore away from its hinges as if trying to escape as a tall woman stormed into the cottage.

Her mother, Coretta Cabot, was known as the 'Witch of Hoiren.' Since Evianna's birth, the Witch had trapped her within the cottage, positioned on the outskirts of Hoiren village, hidden from the outside world, only letting her outside to complete chores.

Without a greeting, Coretta threw a body towards the malnourished child, which whimpered as it struggled to sit up. While Coretta lit the fire, Evianna looked over to see that the poor figure was a child about her age, with over-grown black hair and glowing silver eyes piercing through strands of his fringe.

"What are you looking at?" Coretta's words sounded cruel as her hand met with Evianna's cheek. "You have chores. Stop gawking!"

Quickly Evianna stumbled to her feet and passed the boy; grabbing onto a tattered broom, she began meekly brushing at the dusty floor, still mesmerized by the boy's beauty.

Her mother interrupted her thoughts by throwing a chair in her direction, hitting her arm, and ripping her dress. "Not that you useless idiot, serve our guest. You're in the presence of a prince."

Small patches of ruby blood shone as the flames reflected in the droplets on her skin. Shivering, Evianna silently lifted up the chair and took it over to the dark-haired prince, setting it down neatly next to him before running back to her broom.

Coretta scoffed, "Pathetic! Girl, I'm going to collect the last of my fresh ingredients. I don't expect to have to punish you when I come back." Glaring one last time, Coretta left, slamming the door shut behind her. The pair who remained inside could hear her locking the door from the other side.

Evianna was nervous. This was the first time that the Witch had brought anyone home. She was glad it was someone her age, but she had heard about princes from her mother. She would say, 'They trick girls into thinking they are special, then they cast them away.'

"Hey, you." A small yet authoritative voice broke Evianna's train of thought. She looked over to the boy whose silver eyes were staring straight into her violet ones.

"Help me escape," his brow furrowed as she continued to watch him without moving. "I'll reward you if you let me go. My guards will come looking for me, and you'll be killed if I'm hurt."

Evianna turned pale; if a prince was evil like her mother had taught her, then his Guards must be formidable. "I... I can't. Mother... won't like it." In a low voice, she replied.

"You know she's going to kill me, right? Do you really think that's okay?" The prince jumped down from his chair, causing Evianna to flinch into retreat. Frustrated, he cried out to her, "Please! I'll give you anything! I don't want to die!"

At that moment, Evianna realized just how small the boy looked, outlined by the light of the fire. His black hair, the colour of coal, and his burning eyes piercing through the shadows moved her in a way she couldn't understand.

Taking a deep breath, Evianna said, "You can't... just leave. She would know. I... could go get help when... she sends me to fetch water."

A short time later, Coretta returned with a bundle of herbs and grasses. Looking at the prince on the chair, she charged towards Evianna and grabbed her by her clothes.

"Why isn't he tied up?" she screamed. Evianna tried to reply, but as she shook in terror, the Witch threw her outside. "Fetch me fresh water."

This was her chance. Stumbling to her feet, Evianna collected herself and ran in the direction of the village.

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