62. How It All Began

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Wen's laughter died down soon after it started, his mind whirling with information and schemes. The deal with Julian would allow him the freedom he desperately wanted; however, leaving him a Witch with uncertain potential could lead to Waldemyre's downfall.

The prince grabbed Evianna's face and looked deep into her eyes. It was clear that she had closed herself off from pain and reality, yet at this moment, Wen needed to converse with her, to know the bounds of her mother's magic.

Unsure of how to drag out her consciousness, Wen moved to the seat he had spent so many visits on by the low lights next to the door. In the past, Evianna had listened to him talk, drivel and pointless chatter that he had felt comfortable sharing with a futureless tool; perhaps she would listen again? Settling into the old position, Wen shut his eyes, ready to recall the old stories from his childhood.

"When Waldemyre had not yet existed, siblings, a boy, and a girl lived on the land now covered by Warrick Palace. The land was barren, and many had passed away due to famine. One day while the two were looking for food, they came across a body. Presuming the figure was dead, the brother went to collect anything valuable to reuse. However, after approaching, he found that the person was still alive, and a beautiful green-eyed young woman.

The siblings decided to bring the girl to their home and nursed her back to health. As the seasons changed, the three lived happily together, the girls became inseparable, and the brother fell in love with their new acquaintance.

Their days were joyful and full of laughter as they worked together to survive. Then, one day when the girls went to the pool to wash, the sister spotted something floating on the surface; without another word, the green-eyed girl dove in to save it. Once out of the water, the girls realised that it was a bird; stunning, elegant, with soft white feathers and pale purple eyes. The bird thanked the green-eyed girl for saving him and gave her a gift. Since she was kind and had a will to protect, she would receive its power, the power of the Myrde. The green-eyed girl was ecstatic and rushed home to tell her soon-to-be husband. Yet the sister was jealous; she had been the one to see the Myrde trapped on the water's surface but was offered no reward.

As time passed, the brother and the green-eyed girl wed and gave birth to a beautiful baby boy with emerald eyes like his mother and mud-tinted hair like his father. With the power of the Myrde, the green-eyed lady was able to make the land fertile and cure the sick, many came to settle there, and the land developed into a kingdom ruled by a king and queen. The sister tried to be happy for the ones she loved. However, they had less time for her with their duties and family, no man chased her hand, and she faced no expectations from others.

As envy darkened her heart, the sister invited the green-eyed queen to the pool where they had found the Myrde for a picnic. The queen was overjoyed at the idea and followed the girl to the water. Once there, the sister tricked the queen down to the pool's edge and pushed her in. Grabbing her throat with one hand, the sister dug into the queen's flesh and ripped out her heart; by devouring the flesh blessed by the Myrde, the sister absorbed the Myrde's ability. Before her eyes, the mystical bird's ghostly form rose from the queen's deceased body and shed tears of remorse.

"You have taken my power; it now belongs to you. Do not think there is no price for the evil you have done. You will be forever cursed by the magic you so craved. The more of my power you use, the more you will lose yourself until the day comes when it is not you but a Dark Myrde in your place that will seek to destroy everything in its path."

After speaking, the apparition disappeared. Looking into the pool, stained crimson with blood, the sister could not recognise herself; her dark hair was becoming light, her eyes shifted into a lilac shade, and red tracks blemished her lips, chin, and neck. Realising what she had done, the sister screamed, withering everything around her before she, the first Witch, disappeared from Waldemyre."

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