99. Power

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Cold coloured her senses as if she were being filled like a glass. Evianna could feel her surroundings change; her eyes fluttered open and shut, her muscles creaking with tension, yet no visage reached her. Having spent years at the hands of the princess and the man named Faris, Evianna had lost hope that her new destination would be better than the last.

Over time a surge had risen within her. A heat as if a fire was just a wall away, but every time she tried to touch it, satisfaction was torn from her fingertips as an invisible force lapped it up. Recently, the fire grew hotter, with explosive capacity, which Evianna eagerly greeted as she waited in her motionless prison. The time between occurrences was shortening, and the stealing force seemed to be growing weary under the magnitude of its intensity.

Evianna waited patiently for her pleasant heat when a familiar voice trickled into her ear. Unlike the sounds she heard frequently, this one travelled directly to her subconscious as if stirring her awake—a rough voice, yet friendly, recognisable, yet unfamiliar. Sitting in the space of black, Evianna searched her memories for the voice as if remembering could free her from her prison. That thought stopped her. She froze as she realised what awakening her senses meant. Pain. An endless stream of pain would not end until it robbed her of more than her sanity. Her memories and every good person she had met would be stripped away from her, leaving nothing. Fear rippled through her as she closed her mind to the voice which continued to converse with another. Another she believed to be acquainted with.

As she focussed on muting her residence hidden deep beneath her flesh, a bright light cleared away the blackness where she had grown comfortable. It had been a long time since such an incident had happened, and Evianna's eyes widened, shining like pools of frozen water as the Julian she knew walked towards her, grin reaching his long black fringe.

"Some time has passed since our last meeting," the Myrde said through Julian's lips. His voice sounded melodious to Evianna, her shock at his appearance melted away, and she began to cry.

"It has," she wept.

"It is almost time for you to hand over the power which does not belong to you."

Evianna looked at Julian, confusion drying the tears which were beginning to slow, "How? To who?"

"I told you previously that you would understand when you see him," he sighed as he came closer, his boots not making a sound as he approached.

"How will I know?" Evianna questioned as he stopped, almost meeting her nose.

"Open your eyes," the Myrde whispered encouragingly.

Pulling her face away from Julian's, Evianna began, "But...."

"Now!" Julian yelled, the silver of his eyes melting away as she was pushed from her cage and her eyelids flashed open.

Suddenly a rush of sensations greeted Evianna as cold air met her eyes, foul air filled her nostrils, body-warmth engulfed her as she felt strong arms grip her against a chest. As she rolled her eyes slowly, the unfamiliar feeling sent a reeling sickness throughout her body. As she caught sight of the first prince, Evianna could feel her lungs knit together as if they were suffocating her with the air she had already inhaled. Looking away, afraid to catch his eye, she saw a large horse galloping towards them with a young woman on its back. By the time the lady had rushed to her side, Evianna found herself staring at a gut-wrenching sight.

A boy, a young man with black hair, collapsed into the water alongside a winged creature. As the young man floated to the surface, grief and anger rushed through Evianna as if it were an ocean. A tsunami of power exploded from her; the restrictions of her past abuse could not keep her body from falling away as she rose as if transcending. Before she realised her transformation, Evianna found herself watching the endless sky, which was lit up by her presence. Large wings coated in feathers constructed of light kept her afloat as she relaxed into the power that pulsed throughout her being.

Confidence radiated as she looked down at the young man who looked like Julian emerged from the water. He stared at her, and she stared back. Her heart beat as if a child had been left with a drum at the sight of him. His height and masculine look were different, but there was no denying he was Julian. Silently she watched him move. He found Wen, who had been injured; pity rose within her as she understood that they were working together and she hurt him. As her eyes focussed on the two brothers, the Myrde's power roared and reached out to them. She wished to give one her power, but how would she do it? But in an instant, greed washed away that need. The magic was comfortable and warm; why should she give it up? As Evianna began to battle her consciousness and the Myrde's desire to transfer to another, Evianna noticed that a ferocious monster was approaching her with destructive magic resonating in its throat.


Illea stared at the glowing bird in the sky; against the starry background, its formidable appearance seemed otherworldly as it illuminated the battlefield. Having regained her stance after being blown down by its sudden arrival, Illea searched for her Allancient. The beast was standing still, as if in awe of the creature which seemed more powerful than itself. The princess, unable to find Voster, who had moved away with Romile while she was momentarily distracted, could not absorb new abilities. Creating a long, thin javelin formed from ice, so cold that water vapour hung around its surface, Illea sent it towards the Dragon, hitting its mud-scaled shoulder.

As the Dragon screamed, it swung its head towards the Myrde, and the final battle commenced. 

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