9. Summons

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Leaving the side garden, Evianna glanced over her shoulder to watch Voster as she and Julian left to meet with His Majesty. She was concerned by the thick tension in the air as they left without another word. Being in Julian's company was a comfort; however, her heart beat more erratically with every step. Boarding a different, less ornate carriage than the one they had arrived in, the pair were escorted through the royal grounds. Since Evianna had slept on the journey from Hoiren, she had not had the chance to enjoy the scenery, she was glad of the sun-splashed view outside, but the dense atmosphere dulled the colours.

Due to Julian's royal status, he and Evianna were alone; the messenger and guards rode separately on horses in positions around the carriage. Julian himself was made anxious by his father's call. Over the years, he had come to see the King as a useless ruler for various reasons and a less-than-perfect parent. Julian watched Evianna stare blankly out of the window and admired how calm she was. He had never seen her so composed; perhaps fear had rendered her so afraid that she was unable to comprehend their destination.

As he looked at Evianna, he realised that she had no experience to rely on in this situation. He had taken for granted his frustration and apathy towards the circumstances and left Evianna to her thoughts.

Frowning, he said, "Are you afraid?"

His firm voice drew Evianna's attention away from the scenery she had been using to occupy her thoughts. "Yes... I don't know... what I should do."

"Be yourself. His Royal Majesty probably wants to say thank you for helping me and force a reward on you."

Nodding, the pair withdrew from conversation and returned to their thoughts, apprehensive of their arrival. As the landscape changed from purple fields to thick, green forests, the path became smooth from the roll of fallen pine needles.

Evianna wondered about Julian's past expression when the messenger had read out the King's command. A stiff, unfriendly face. News of royalty was considered valuable; thus, it was difficult for commoners to hold much information except what was publically announced. Her knowledge of King Yaalon Del Waldemar, was limited. Having risen to the throne at the tender age of thirteen after the previous King, Astre Del Waldemar, and his Queen passed away in an accident, he was said to be a wise king that ruled justly.

As the road wound through the trees, Evianna noticed that there were an increasing number of guards stationed along the way, the characteristic green and black uniforms allowing them to blur into the foliage surrounding them.

Turning to Julian, she asked, "Are we... almost there?"

Bowing his head, he replied, "In less than a minute, you will see His Majesty's palace to the right."

Almost pressing her face onto the glass, Evianna let her eyes trace the tree line waiting for the King's palace to come into view. As they emerged from the vast forest, Evianna's breath left her body. The impression the palace gave was as if it were a city, with many buildings layering and dancing together with stunning golden statues and fountains before it. A tower that reached for the skies and pillars similar to the prince's Lupine Palace running all along the front. It was unlike any architecture she had seen in her village; Evianna gaped as she admired the gigantic structure.

"Better than mine?" Evianna's head spun to see Julian with his arms crossed, a cheeky smile on his face.

"Of course not." Slowly she sat back, peeking only every so often as they came closer to their destination. Unable to keep her gaze inside the carriage, Evianna looked out the window on the opposite side; surprised she found herself staring at a humongous wall that reached for the sky. Her mouth dropped as her head darted to either side trying to see where the wall ended.

"The Wall is almost considered a relic," Julian's voice sounded soft in Evianna's ear. Turning she noticed his smile seemed softer and more natural as he explained what function of the monstrous barrier. "Due to its sturdy build, the Wall has stood since the founding of Waldemyre and serves as an impenetrable barricade around the Royal Estate."

"What is the... Royal Estate?" Evianna asked quizzically, eyes still clinging to the grey stone structure.

Holding in a chuckle Julian continued, "The Royal Estate is the land that the various palaces, gardens, training grounds, prisons and lakes belonging the Waldemar royal family can be found. It spans roughly from His Royal Majesty's Warrick Palace to my own Lupine Palace and then the furthest is the Queen Mother's Aconitum Palace. Would you like to know anything else?"

Evianna smiled brightly, shaking her head, as her anxiety melted away. The rest of the journey was spent in silence; however neither party felt the previous pressure, until the carriage began to slow. Alert, Evianna's frame turned rigid as the door swung outward revealing a young steward. Just like the elder butler that served them at the prince's palace, this man was dressed immaculately. Unlike the butler, the steward was decorated with golden badges atop his uniform with a pen affixed to his lapel.

Noticing Evianna's eyes on his attire the young man spoke. "Welcome Your Highness, the Second Prince, and My Lady, to Warrick Palace. His Royal Majesty awaits you in the throne room."

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