4. The Witch's End

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The Witch's words filled the little cottage. The silence that followed allowed her ominous crowing to envelope everyone present. Evianna's body was frozen. The pain had disappeared and in its place was a gaping sensation that left her feeling numb, until a presence of warmth upon her shoulder brought her back to reality and face-to-face with the prince.

His shadowy hair suited the darkness cast by the flames and the night sky outside. His silver eyes watched with intent as she breathed harshly, accepting Coretta's laughter into her consciousness. Time seemed to be a friend to the pair at that moment; they remained undisturbed in their own company before a familiar voice interrupted them.

"What are your plans, Your Highness?" Evianna could see that the cloaked boy had come to stand between them and her mother, looking over the prince's shoulder.

Without turning away from her, the prince replied. "It's not safe to let a Witch wander the world, especially one that curses others."

The cloaked boy then gazed at Evianna, concern welling in his eyes. "Is it really alright, Your Highness?"

Sighing, the prince dropped his hand from Evianna's shoulder and walked across the room to discuss with a group of Guards, which were recognisable from when she arrived at the Guard Station. That instant, the pain returned in waves that crushed Evianna from within; agony coursed through her small figure so much that tears were unable to form. Buckling to her knees, the green-robed boy came and positioned himself beside her.

"To be honest, I'm only meant to use my power for the royal family. However, you helped to save His Highness, so I'll help you in return." Smiling softly, the boy held out his hand once again. The aching disappeared from her head, ribs, arm, and feet, just as she witnessed the prince being healed before.

As Evianna returned to her feet, she said, "Thank you... very much."

Out of the corner of her violet eyes, Evianna caught a glimpse of the black-haired boy standing over her mother, a long thin silver blade in his hand. A coarse smile crossed the Witch's face as her laughter finally died down.

"Her curse is also yours." With that, Coretta closed her eyes and became a limp as a doll in her chair, almost as though she had died before meeting the sword.

"Hey!" he called over. "You shouldn't watch."

Those words made Evianna realise the situation. Terror grasped her heart; her mother had always been cruel, but she was all Evianna had known. Slowly, she tried to take a step forward, but she knew that she could not escape what was about to transpire. Unable to cast her eyes away, Evianna watched as the prince raised his sword while two Guards held Coretta Cabot in place. It was over quickly, the blade sang at it glided through her flesh, and the Witch's head dropped to the floor, as lifeless as the stone in rested on. The scent of blood washed over the room as it trickled out from the Witch's corpse.

Once again, the prince reverted to his stance in front of Evianna. Standing slightly taller than her, the prince bowed his head politely. "I'm sorry for the death of your mother."

Taken aback, she replied, "It's fine... she would have... killed you."

A cold smile crept onto the young boy's face as if it were an unsurprising experience. A moment later, he held out his hand.

"As my saviour, would you do me the honour of accompanying me to my home in the capital where you shall receive a reward?"

Disbelief flooded Evianna's thoughts. Staring blankly at the boy, she nodded gently, unable to think of another option except staying in the horror-filled cottage. He took the opportunity to take her hand and continued, "Do you have a name?"

Gasping at the tenderness of his touch Evianna responded, "Evianna Romilly Cabot, daughter of Coretta Cabot."

Pleased, the prince countered cheerily, "A middle name, that's unusual for a commoner. Nice to officially greet you, my hero, I am Julian Dominic Oran Del Waldemar, Second Prince of Waldemyre and son of the King."

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