21. What Happened?

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As she watched the oozing red liquid drip from the blade, Evianna's eyes blinked furiously as two more stones fell. Illea caught them gracefully, cradling them in her hands as though they were her children.

Tilting her head, she looked at Evianna with a smile. Noticing that Evianna was watching the knife, Illea dropped it, offended she hadn't answered her question. "I can have them, right? Evianna?"

"Why?" Evianna's voice was weak and raspy. Her breathing was ragged because of blood loss; her body rushed with fear as Illea remained as elegant and composed as she had been when they met.

Sighing, pity visible in her large green eyes, the princess answered, "As I said, I helped you; it's only fair that I get something in return." Once again, Illea looked into her hand to admire the jewels, the new additions of a pearl and amethyst made her beam wider. "Plus, this one goes nicely with the green of my eyes, doesn't it?" she cooed as she held the peridot next to her face.

After a long time comparing the jewels to each other and what each one would be best suited for, Illea noticed Evianna's eyes beginning to close. Her thin body limp, and shivering. "You're losing a lot of blood. I'm sorry, I didn't think that you would bleed so much." Glancing around for a blanket, to shield the wound from her eyes, Illea noticed a spot of red on her gown. "Oh no, some of it got on my dress. I have to go change, you understand, a royal princess can't be seen wearing dirty clothes."

As she rushed to her feet, Illea paused momentarily to reassure Evianna, "I'll send a maid over if I see one." With that, she glided away, barely making a sound as she crushed the purple flowers beneath her feet while she walked away from the palace.

Evianna lay there, her consciousness dancing behind her eyelids, afraid that she would not wake up if she slept. Images of the lime leaves belonging to the trees shaking in unison above her kept her mind busy and pain enveloped her like an old friend she could not abandon.

Without knowing how much time had passed, Evianna could hear the muffled calls of a familiar voice. "My Lady! What happened to you? Where's Her Highness?" Not having the energy to open her eyes and answer, Evianna allowed herself to finally fall into the darkness of sleep.

When Evianna woke, she found herself staring at an unfamiliar ceiling constructed of an embroidered tapestry embellished with stars and flowers in dainty threads. She noticed that her leg did not hurt anymore. Remembering the voice she heard before blacking out, she tried to bolt upright, but thick layers of duvet prevented her from reaching that far.

"You're up."

Looking to her left, Evianna could see Julian, looking grim, sitting in a chair beside her bed, beside him, Romile. Both of them appeared dishevelled; Julian's night-like hair seemed to have been abused by his hands while waiting for her to awaken. Situated behind them was a full-length double window that Evianna recognised; this was her bedroom. She couldn't remember the canopy before since she hadn't slept in the bed last night.

While Evianna thought of what to say, Julian called over to Nina by the door in a dark tone, "Ask Loem to tell Voster that she's awake."

After the maid left the room, a heavy silence swirled before he spoke again. This time he sounded more relaxed yet still angry, "Evianna, what happened?" Evianna thought about where to begin, but before she could reply, he asked another question, more urgently than before. "Why were you injured? Where did the princess go?"

Placing his hand on Julian's shoulder, Romile grunted, "I can guess what happened."

"That's not helpful Romile," Julian spat back. Looking at Evianna, he could see her unease; taking a deep breath, he calmed down slightly. Smiling meekly, he begged, "Evianna, please tell me." 

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