76. Bonds

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"That incident led to Julian ever-so-kindly naming my aura 'Purge' due to the after-effects of use. Then he named your magical ability 'Elixir' due to your healing capacity, as well as its oppositional qualities."

"It wasn't hard for us to name Julian's 'Void,'" Voster added, "as I said, he needs to refrain from using it so often."

"I understand that, and so does he. The problem is that we're at war, but it will be over soon," Romile sighed as he returned to his seat, his shoulders hunched in concern. Voster smiled slightly as the visage of a worried mother overlapped with Romile in his eyes.

"And then we will return to the capital where the fighting will continue," the Mage insisted, "His Void absorbs and destroys everything around him, but the more it eats, the stronger it gets. One day it will consume him, and neither you nor I will be able to prevent it."

Romile grimaced as the pair returned to the thick, unpleasant atmosphere from earlier.

"I guess I'll just have to get stronger," Julian's raspy words crawled from the bed covers, surprising both the Mage and the Guard. Rushing to his side, forgetting about the chairs, which were kicked mercilessly out of the way, they examined his features and limbs. Voster rose his hand above Julian's head, healing any injuries he might have that weren't visible, and Romile asked Julian countless questions about his memory from his rampage.

After the pair had agreed that there was nothing wrong, they relaxed into the evening. Lighting the cast iron baskets to heat the space and bringing food prepared by the soldiers, the group looked as though they were prepared for a sleepover, yet the ambiance did not compliment this idea.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have let my emotions get the better of me," Julian apologised, resting a rabbit leg on his plate.

Taking a moment to communicate with each other, Romile and Voster silently stared at Julian. Dabbing his mouth with a well-used handkerchief, Voster said, "Usually, I would berate you. However, Chancellor Henos meant a lot to you, to us all. I won't blame you but be careful in the future. Void will devour everything, even you eventually."

"I know, you repeat that line any chance you get," Julian groaned.

"Like a mantra," Romile added cheekily. This comment caused Julian to erupt with laughter, quickly joined by Romile and, lastly, Voster too.

Through breaks in the hilarity, Romile huffed through squeaky breaths, "Anyway, once we win, which we will, Julian won't have to worry about that anymore. We will also be able to hold a funeral for the Chancellor, the likes of which Silent Hall has never seen."

"Sometimes it's difficult to believe that you are the oldest one here," Julian cried, grabbing his side as joy scratched inside his ribcage painfully.

While the laughter died down, the boys reflected individually, enjoying this rare moment of pleasurable entertainment. Swallowing the remains of his giggles down hard, Julian tried to arrange his face into a semi-serious expression, "Voster, it's been a while since I've seen you. Any progress?"

"My apologies for spending all my free time secluded in my tent. However, I may have found a lead," Voster informed him.

"What is it?"

"Evianna's mother, the Witch, may have left materials behind which could suggest a way to break the curse she inflicted on her daughter. Casting something so powerful would require a lot of magical energy, and since Witch's use power from what is around them, perhaps she left a clue as to how to reverse its effects."

"I see. I take it that means you would like permission to travel to the Witch's house in Hoiren?" Julian queried, setting down his plate as he waited for the Mage's reply.

Placing down his own plate in response, Voster bowed his head, placing his hand on his chest, "If possible, Your Highness."

"Permission granted," Julian replied bluntly before he lifted his rabbit leg. Voster gritted his teeth behind his lips as he turned and headed towards the exit. As he reached the curtained doorway, Julian called, "By the way, I heard you calling me 'Julian' when my eyes were closed." A scarlet flush dyed Voster's ears as he disappeared into the evening air.

"That was cruel," Romile murmured as he picked up Voster's plate and piled it on top of his own empty one before nibbling at the leftover tough, out-of-season vegetables which accompanied the once-unsuspecting rabbit.

"I know, but he understands why I said it," Julian grinned before sinking his teeth into the remains of his meal.

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