16. First Night

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The door creaked softly as it welcomed Evianna into her new dwelling. A calm glow filled the space as hanging lamps shaped like closed tulips cascaded from the ceiling at various heights and colours. A huge bed surrounded by drapes and woollen rugs sat to the right; co-ordinated in silver, purple and white, all decorations complimented each other.

A sweet fragrance emanated from her left. Contemplating the scent, Evianna walked over to a long vanity table and stool, which was completed with an oval mirror. Catching a glimpse of her appearance, Evianna paused, taken aback by her reflection as she had only grasped a general idea of her face in the cottage well or looking into puddles. Much like how Julian's eyes were striking with their silver hue, her own lilac ones were equally as unique. All her life she had never come across another with the same shade; Coretta had had deep ruby eyes that smothered those who looked at them. Evianna's hair was matted and unruly, with grimy yellow tufts cut off unevenly below her shoulders. Similar to a ghost, her pale, sallow, thin complexion reminded Evianna of all the days she would starve in fear of eating without permission.

Pulling herself away from the mirror, she found the origin of the scent to be a small crystal bowl full of crisp flowers and stones. While she examined it, a discreet rustle drew her attention to the far side of the room. Standing quietly in the corner beside glass doors that seemed to lead to the outside were two maids. Both were dressed in the same uniforms as she had seen many others wearing when she had first arrived at the palace with Julian. The uniform consisted of a neat, ankle-length dress over a white shirt, an apron around the waist hanging down to the knees with the Waldemyre crest sewn into the hem.

The first girl who stepped forward was rather tall with mousy hair and a thin frame. She bowed before she spoke, "It is an honour to meet you, Lady Cabot. We have been assigned as your maids from today." The next girl then stood alongside her counterpart, much smaller than the other she appeared to be several years younger, but her manners were just as polite.

"I am Abo, Your Ladyship, and this is Nina." Abo's voice was relatively low, which surprised Evianna, considering her age. In response, Evianna introduced herself in return; the way Julian and Beras had instructed her to when she greeted the King.

The two maids looked at each other, conversing silently with their eyes. Evianna felt her stomach twist; she wondered if she had already made a mistake and would be treated poorly by the girls. She desperately wished to become friends with them since she had never had any friends before or even had the luxury of interacting with anyone her age, particularly females.

The first maid ended the silence by smiling and continuing, "Would you like me to help you wash up and prepare for bed while Abo brings a meal from the kitchen? I understand you have had a long journey."

Relief swept over Evianna as she replied, "If... you don't mind."

"Of course not, Your Ladyship."

Evianna thought to ask the pair to call her by her name, but thinking back to Loem's comments, she was afraid she might offend them so she decided that it would be better to refrain from saying anything unnecessary. The evening became a whir of bubbles, hot water, and soup. Nina explained that having not eaten anything except a couple of snacks with Julian earlier in the day, any food heavier than soup would upset her stomach.

After she finished eating, Abo helped Evianna into a silky nightgown with lace trimmings and lupine flower embroidery around the collar. She had never worn such an extravagant dress in the past, yet the maids insisted that it was merely sleeping attire. Climbing into the sheets, Evianna was overwhelmed by the luxury surrounding her. As the maids said goodnight and retired for the day, Evianna climbed down from the bed and carried a pillow over to the large glass doors. Standing there, she could see a balcony and fields of flowers. Under the moonlight, she felt completely safe for the first time since leaving Hoiren.

Pulling over one of the rugs, Evianna laid down by the window, head on the luxurious pillow, staring out into the night.

Sleep enveloped her like a predator. Nightmares raged, causing her to cry and struggle while she slept. The Witch reached for her from beneath the earth, yet whenever Julian showed up to save her, Coretta would use his sword to cut him down. All her senses on high alert, her dreams felt surreal: blood that met her skin seemed thick like tar, the smell of death was stifling, and the images of Julian's demise were almost convincing.

Jolting awake, Evianna was still surrounded by darkness which frightened her. Memories of the cramped corners of the cottage continued to nag at her as her eyes darted from one black shadow to the next. Feeling the soft rugs around her, Evianna wrapped them around her tiny body, calming herself into her new reality where no one would harm her.

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