80. Greetings From A Myrde

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"May I ask something?" Romile chimed once more. "You said it was a clue to help lift Evianna's curse, but I fail to see the relevance since this method seems to apply to the one that affected her mother."

"If I can understand the potency of the pool beneath the palace, if it is truly blessed by the Myrde, a being of the purest magical energy, then perhaps it could literally wash away the corrupt magic the Witch cast on Evianna."

"It's that simple?" Julian exclaimed.

The Mage felt pride bloom in his stomach, "Yes, Your Highness."

"That's incredible. When can you start?" Julian inquired excitedly.

"It will be difficult, but once we return to the capital for your victory celebrations after...."

"Commander!" A shrill cry from outside the tent interrupted Voster.

"Enter," Julian called loudly.

Stumbling into the tent, a terrified, young-seeming man in a dirtied uniform rushed over to the group before standing to attention. "We are under attack. Bulen's forces are pushing forward with two Sapling Dragons," he chirped sharply.

Romile and Voster exchanged glances as they bolted to their feet, and Julian boomed his commands, "Order a full-scale attack; every soldier is to report to the battlefield. This war ends today, and we will be the victors!"

"Yes, sir!" The soldier responded, his eyes lighting up at the steady instructions of his commander.

The group hurried as the soldier left, the clinking of buckles tightening, armour twisting, blades drawing, and boots thundering all clashed as they were ready to go within minutes. As they headed for the door, Voster chuckled, "You will make a great king."

"Emperor," Romile corrected, beaming at the prospect. Voster giddily shook his head as he released a magical glow that extended up to his elbows; the material door opened with barely a twitch of his finger, revealing soldiers hastening with their preparations. With the sudden reveal of the commanding officers, the soldiers paused in awe at the pressure emanating from the three as they walked towards their final battle.

The corners of his lips climbing his cheeks, Julian laughed softly under the gaze of his troops. Over his shoulder, he watched Romile and Voster's expressions grow murderous as they followed behind their prince.

Calling out to them, Julian concurred, "Emperor or not, let's win this and head home. Evianna's waiting."


It's hot. Evianna found herself in an invisible blackness stretching out, emptying her body, cutting off her emotions and sensations. She didn't know how long she waited there, suspended in nothingness. The comforting feeling of oblivion over-writing the pain she could no longer feel, the sadness, anger, and every other emotion that had abandoned her was a relief.

Evianna knew that the pain wasn't gone; despite the apathetic stance in her mind, she could sense that her muscles, bones, and organs had become little more than a toy. Recently, she had felt something peculiar, a rise and fall in power, a tingling sensation like tall grass tickling her entire frame, which would suddenly disappear as if it were sucked away.

Blinking steadily without vision, Evianna was abruptly blinded by a pure white eminence that exploded before her eyes. Her features creasing to allow her to catch a glimpse of the source of the light, Evianna strained pitifully against the flooding brightness. Slowly the light reduced, retracting in brilliant star-like patterns before revealing a bird-like creature, hovering magnificently in the dark.

Evianna stared at the bird; its heliotrope-shaded eyes stared back. After a moment of contemplation, the creature's image contorted, the feathers lengthened, and its head grew, arms and legs spouted, and facial features appeared. The emotionless girl trembled at the sight of two metallic silver eyes piercing through the walls she had erected to protect herself. The figure stepped closer; the familiar frame of the Julian she had known however long ago grinned cheekily as if they had only parted the day before.

"Do you know what I am?" he asked, his voice resonating with Evianna's memories.

Evianna nodded slowly, unsure if the words would sound. Her mouth opened, yet her thoughts resounded in place of her voice, "The Myrde."

"'A' Myrde," Julian corrected. "You are also a Myrde, though your power is engulfed in darkness."

"What should I do?" Evianna asked, her mind still extending her thoughts in place of her mouth.

The young Julian extended his hand and placed it tenderly against her cheek. The warmth of his touch seemed to drive away the burning heat she had been feeling in the blackness. "This power was a gift, but it was not meant for you."

Unable to understand the Myrde's meaning, Evianna watched Julian silently as she drank in his appearance. Realising the intention her actions, Julian stood back to display his complete form.

After what seemed like an infinite amount of time had passed, the Myrde began to glow. As Julian's form melted away, he encouraged, "You will understand when you see him."

"Who?" Evianna yelled as he disappeared, leaving her alone once again.

The emptiness again encroached on Evianna; her body felt freer in the space, yet she still couldn't move. However, a distinct sensation within her felt different to before; the power that swirled uncontrollably felt more assertive, more reliable, more reassuring. This new feeling, along with her reunion with Julian's facade, sparked a heartbeat that boomed loudly from within Evianna's chest.

A heart that had remained frozen to defend her had begun to throb like a war-drum.

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